blob: faf427d67352ab5171426eb9fc6db3fd85fef384 [file] [log] [blame]
* Perform checks for `nothrow`.
* Specification: $(LINK2, Nothrow Functions)
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Authors: $(LINK2, Walter Bright)
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
* Source: $(LINK2, _canthrow.d)
* Documentation:
* Coverage:
module dmd.canthrow;
import dmd.aggregate;
import dmd.apply;
import dmd.arraytypes;
import dmd.attrib;
import dmd.astenums;
import dmd.blockexit : BE, checkThrow;
import dmd.declaration;
import dmd.dsymbol;
import dmd.expression;
import dmd.func;
import dmd.globals;
import dmd.init;
import dmd.mtype;
import dmd.root.rootobject;
import dmd.tokens;
import dmd.visitor;
* Status indicating what kind of throwable might be caused by an expression.
* This is a subset of `BE` restricted to the values actually used by `canThrow`.
enum CT : BE
/// Never throws an `Exception` or `Throwable`
none = BE.none,
/// Might throw an `Exception`
exception = BE.throw_,
// Might throw an `Error`
error = BE.errthrow,
* Returns true if the expression may throw exceptions.
* If 'mustNotThrow' is true, generate an error if it throws
extern (C++) /* CT */ BE canThrow(Expression e, FuncDeclaration func, bool mustNotThrow)
//printf("Expression::canThrow(%d) %s\n", mustNotThrow, toChars());
// stop walking if we determine this expression can throw
extern (C++) final class CanThrow : StoppableVisitor
alias visit = typeof(super).visit;
FuncDeclaration func;
bool mustNotThrow;
CT result;
extern (D) this(FuncDeclaration func, bool mustNotThrow)
this.func = func;
this.mustNotThrow = mustNotThrow;
void checkFuncThrows(Expression e, FuncDeclaration f)
auto tf = f.type.toBasetype().isTypeFunction();
if (tf && !tf.isnothrow)
if (mustNotThrow)
e.error("%s `%s` is not `nothrow`",
f.kind(), f.toPrettyChars());
e.checkOverridenDtor(null, f, dd => dd.type.toTypeFunction().isnothrow, "not nothrow");
result |= CT.exception;
override void visit(Expression)
override void visit(DeclarationExp de)
result |= Dsymbol_canThrow(de.declaration, func, mustNotThrow);
override void visit(CallExp ce)
if (ce.inDebugStatement)
if (global.errors && !ce.e1.type)
return; // error recovery
if (ce.f && ce.arguments.dim > 0)
Type tb = (*ce.arguments)[0].type.toBasetype();
auto tbNext = tb.nextOf();
if (tbNext)
auto ts = tbNext.baseElemOf().isTypeStruct();
if (ts)
import : Id;
auto sd = ts.sym;
if (sd.dtor && ce.f.ident == Id._d_delstruct)
checkFuncThrows(ce, sd.dtor);
else if (sd.postblit &&
(ce.f.ident == Id._d_arrayctor || ce.f.ident == Id._d_arraysetctor))
checkFuncThrows(ce, sd.postblit);
/* If calling a function or delegate that is typed as nothrow,
* then this expression cannot throw.
* Note that pure functions can throw.
if (ce.f && ce.f == func)
Type t = ce.e1.type.toBasetype();
auto tf = t.isTypeFunction();
if (tf && tf.isnothrow)
auto td = t.isTypeDelegate();
if (td && td.nextOf().isTypeFunction().isnothrow)
if (ce.f)
checkFuncThrows(ce, ce.f);
else if (mustNotThrow)
auto e1 = ce.e1;
if (auto pe = e1.isPtrExp()) // print 'fp' if e1 is (*fp)
e1 = pe.e1;
ce.error("`%s` is not `nothrow`", e1.toChars());
result |= CT.exception;
override void visit(NewExp ne)
if (ne.member)
// See if constructor call can throw
checkFuncThrows(ne, ne.member);
// regard storage allocation failures as not recoverable
override void visit(DeleteExp de)
Type tb = de.e1.type.toBasetype();
AggregateDeclaration ad = null;
switch (tb.ty)
case Tclass:
ad = tb.isTypeClass().sym;
case Tpointer:
case Tarray:
auto ts = tb.nextOf().baseElemOf().isTypeStruct();
if (!ts)
ad = ts.sym;
assert(0); // error should have been detected by semantic()
if (ad.dtor)
checkFuncThrows(de, ad.dtor);
override void visit(AssignExp ae)
// blit-init cannot throw
if (ae.op == EXP.blit)
/* Element-wise assignment could invoke postblits.
Type t;
if (ae.type.toBasetype().ty == Tsarray)
if (!ae.e2.isLvalue())
t = ae.type;
else if (auto se = ae.e1.isSliceExp())
t = se.e1.type;
if (auto ts = t.baseElemOf().isTypeStruct())
if (auto postblit = ts.sym.postblit)
checkFuncThrows(ae, postblit);
override void visit(ThrowExp te)
const res = checkThrow(te.loc, te.e1, mustNotThrow);
assert((res & ~(CT.exception | CT.error)) == 0);
result |= res;
override void visit(NewAnonClassExp)
assert(0); // should have been lowered by semantic()
scope CanThrow ct = new CanThrow(func, mustNotThrow);
walkPostorder(e, ct);
return ct.result;
* Does symbol, when initialized, throw?
* Mirrors logic in Dsymbol_toElem().
private CT Dsymbol_canThrow(Dsymbol s, FuncDeclaration func, bool mustNotThrow)
CT result;
int symbolDg(Dsymbol s)
result |= Dsymbol_canThrow(s, func, mustNotThrow);
return 0;
//printf("Dsymbol_toElem() %s\n", s.toChars());
if (auto vd = s.isVarDeclaration())
s = s.toAlias();
if (s != vd)
return Dsymbol_canThrow(s, func, mustNotThrow);
if (vd.storage_class & STC.manifest)
else if (vd.isStatic() || vd.storage_class & (STC.extern_ | STC.tls | STC.gshared))
if (vd._init)
if (auto ie = vd._init.isExpInitializer())
result |= canThrow(ie.exp, func, mustNotThrow);
if (vd.needsScopeDtor())
result |= canThrow(vd.edtor, func, mustNotThrow);
else if (auto ad = s.isAttribDeclaration())
else if (auto tm = s.isTemplateMixin())
else if (auto td = s.isTupleDeclaration())
for (size_t i = 0; i < td.objects.dim; i++)
RootObject o = (*td.objects)[i];
if (o.dyncast() == DYNCAST.expression)
Expression eo = cast(Expression)o;
if (auto se = eo.isDsymbolExp())
result |= Dsymbol_canThrow(se.s, func, mustNotThrow);
return result;