blob: 387b32f71ea366b6697da3de3ff91fb22b608f13 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- E X P _ S M E M --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1998-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Elists; use Elists;
with Exp_Ch7; use Exp_Ch7;
with Exp_Ch9; use Exp_Ch9;
with Exp_Tss; use Exp_Tss;
with Exp_Util; use Exp_Util;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Rtsfind; use Rtsfind;
with Sem; use Sem;
with Sem_Aux; use Sem_Aux;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Tbuild; use Tbuild;
package body Exp_Smem is
Insert_Node : Node_Id;
-- Node after which a write call is to be inserted
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Add_Read (N : Node_Id; Call : Node_Id := Empty);
-- Insert a Shared_Var_ROpen call for variable before node N, unless
-- Call is a call to an init-proc, in which case the call is inserted
-- after Call.
procedure Add_Write_After (N : Node_Id);
-- Insert a Shared_Var_WOpen call for variable after the node Insert_Node,
-- as recorded by On_Lhs_Of_Assignment (where it points to the assignment
-- statement) or Is_Out_Actual (where it points to the subprogram call).
-- When Insert_Node is a function call, establish a transient scope around
-- the expression, and insert the write as an after-action of the transient
-- scope.
procedure Build_Full_Name (E : Entity_Id; N : out String_Id);
-- Build the fully qualified string name of a shared variable
function On_Lhs_Of_Assignment (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determines if N is on the left hand of the assignment. This means that
-- either it is a simple variable, or it is a record or array variable with
-- a corresponding selected or indexed component on the left side of an
-- assignment. If the result is True, then Insert_Node is set to point
-- to the assignment
function Is_Out_Actual (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- In a similar manner, this function determines if N appears as an OUT
-- or IN OUT parameter to a procedure call. If the result is True, then
-- Insert_Node is set to point to the call.
function Build_Shared_Var_Proc_Call
(Loc : Source_Ptr;
E : Node_Id;
N : Name_Id) return Node_Id;
-- Build a call to support procedure N for shared object E (provided by the
-- instance of System.Shared_Storage.Shared_Var_Procs associated to E).
-- Build_Shared_Var_Proc_Call --
function Build_Shared_Var_Proc_Call
(Loc : Source_Ptr;
E : Entity_Id;
N : Name_Id) return Node_Id
return Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name => Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
Prefix =>
New_Occurrence_Of (Shared_Var_Procs_Instance (E), Loc),
Selector_Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, N)));
end Build_Shared_Var_Proc_Call;
-- Add_Read --
procedure Add_Read (N : Node_Id; Call : Node_Id := Empty) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Ent : constant Node_Id := Entity (N);
SVC : Node_Id;
if Present (Shared_Var_Procs_Instance (Ent)) then
SVC := Build_Shared_Var_Proc_Call (Loc, Ent, Name_Read);
if Present (Call) and then Is_Init_Proc (Name (Call)) then
Insert_After_And_Analyze (Call, SVC);
Insert_Action (N, SVC);
end if;
end if;
end Add_Read;
-- Add_Shared_Var_Lock_Procs --
procedure Add_Shared_Var_Lock_Procs (N : Node_Id) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Obj : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Expression (First_Actual (N)));
Vnm : String_Id;
Vid : Entity_Id;
Vde : Node_Id;
Aft : constant List_Id := New_List;
In_Transient : constant Boolean := Scope_Is_Transient;
function Build_Shared_Var_Lock_Call (RE : RE_Id) return Node_Id;
-- Return a procedure call statement for lock proc RTE
-- Build_Shared_Var_Lock_Call --
function Build_Shared_Var_Lock_Call (RE : RE_Id) return Node_Id is
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name =>
New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE), Loc),
Parameter_Associations =>
New_List (New_Occurrence_Of (Vid, Loc)));
end Build_Shared_Var_Lock_Call;
-- Start of processing for Add_Shared_Var_Lock_Procs
-- Discussion of transient scopes: we need to have a transient scope
-- to hold the required lock/unlock actions. Either the current scope
-- is transient, in which case we reuse it, or we establish a new
-- transient scope. If this is a function call with unconstrained
-- return type, we can't introduce a transient scope here (because
-- Wrap_Transient_Expression would need to declare a temporary with
-- the unconstrained type outside of the transient block), but in that
-- case we know that we have already established one at an outer level
-- for secondary stack management purposes.
-- If the lock/read/write/unlock actions for this object have already
-- been emitted in the current scope, no need to perform them anew.
if In_Transient
and then Contains (Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last)
end if;
Build_Full_Name (Obj, Vnm);
-- Declare a constant string to hold the name of the shared object.
-- Note that this must occur outside of the transient scope, as the
-- scope's finalizer needs to have access to this object. Also, it
-- appears that GIGI does not support elaborating string literal
-- subtypes in transient scopes.
Vid := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'N', Obj);
Vde :=
Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => Vid,
Constant_Present => True,
Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_String, Loc),
Expression => Make_String_Literal (Loc, Vnm));
-- Already in a transient scope. Make sure that we insert Vde outside
-- that scope.
if In_Transient then
Insert_Before_And_Analyze (Node_To_Be_Wrapped, Vde);
-- Not in a transient scope yet: insert Vde as an action on N prior to
-- establishing one.
Insert_Action (N, Vde);
Establish_Transient_Scope (N, Sec_Stack => False);
end if;
-- Mark object as locked in the current (transient) scope
To => Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Locked_Shared_Objects);
-- First insert the Lock call before
Insert_Action (N, Build_Shared_Var_Lock_Call (RE_Shared_Var_Lock));
-- Now, right after the Lock, insert a call to read the object
Insert_Action (N, Build_Shared_Var_Proc_Call (Loc, Obj, Name_Read));
-- For a procedure call only, insert the call to write the object prior
-- to unlocking.
if Nkind (N) = N_Procedure_Call_Statement then
Append_To (Aft, Build_Shared_Var_Proc_Call (Loc, Obj, Name_Write));
end if;
-- Finally insert the Unlock call
Append_To (Aft, Build_Shared_Var_Lock_Call (RE_Shared_Var_Unlock));
-- Store cleanup actions in transient scope
Store_Cleanup_Actions_In_Scope (Aft);
-- If we have established a transient scope here, wrap it now
if not In_Transient then
if Nkind (N) = N_Procedure_Call_Statement then
Wrap_Transient_Statement (N);
Wrap_Transient_Expression (N);
end if;
end if;
end Add_Shared_Var_Lock_Procs;
-- Add_Write_After --
procedure Add_Write_After (N : Node_Id) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Ent : constant Entity_Id := Entity (N);
Par : constant Node_Id := Insert_Node;
if Present (Shared_Var_Procs_Instance (Ent)) then
if Nkind (Insert_Node) = N_Function_Call then
Establish_Transient_Scope (Insert_Node, Sec_Stack => False);
Store_After_Actions_In_Scope (New_List (
Build_Shared_Var_Proc_Call (Loc, Ent, Name_Write)));
Insert_After_And_Analyze (Par,
Build_Shared_Var_Proc_Call (Loc, Ent, Name_Write));
end if;
end if;
end Add_Write_After;
-- Build_Full_Name --
procedure Build_Full_Name (E : Entity_Id; N : out String_Id) is
procedure Build_Name (E : Entity_Id);
-- This is a recursive routine used to construct the fully qualified
-- string name of the package corresponding to the shared variable.
-- Build_Name --
procedure Build_Name (E : Entity_Id) is
if Scope (E) /= Standard_Standard then
Build_Name (Scope (E));
Store_String_Char ('.');
end if;
Get_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (E));
Store_String_Chars (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end Build_Name;
-- Start of processing for Build_Full_Name
Build_Name (E);
N := End_String;
end Build_Full_Name;
-- Expand_Shared_Passive_Variable --
procedure Expand_Shared_Passive_Variable (N : Node_Id) is
Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (N);
-- Nothing to do for protected or limited objects
if Is_Limited_Type (Typ) or else Is_Concurrent_Type (Typ) then
-- If we are on the left hand side of an assignment, then we add the
-- write call after the assignment.
elsif On_Lhs_Of_Assignment (N) then
Add_Write_After (N);
-- If we are a parameter for an out or in out formal, then in general
-- we do:
-- read
-- call
-- write
-- but in the special case of a call to an init proc, we need to first
-- call the init proc (to set discriminants), then read (to possibly
-- set other components), then write (to record the updated components
-- to the backing store):
-- init-proc-call
-- read
-- write
elsif Is_Out_Actual (N) then
-- Note: For an init proc call, Add_Read inserts just after the
-- call node, and we want to have first the read, then the write,
-- so we need to first Add_Write_After, then Add_Read.
Add_Write_After (N);
Add_Read (N, Call => Insert_Node);
-- All other cases are simple reads
Add_Read (N);
end if;
end Expand_Shared_Passive_Variable;
-- Is_Out_Actual --
function Is_Out_Actual (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
Formal : Entity_Id;
Call : Node_Id;
Find_Actual (N, Formal, Call);
if No (Formal) then
return False;
if Ekind_In (Formal, E_Out_Parameter, E_In_Out_Parameter) then
Insert_Node := Call;
return True;
return False;
end if;
end if;
end Is_Out_Actual;
-- Make_Shared_Var_Procs --
function Make_Shared_Var_Procs (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Ent : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Ent);
Vnm : String_Id;
Obj : Node_Id;
Obj_Typ : Entity_Id;
After : constant Node_Id := Next (N);
-- Node located right after N originally (after insertion of the SV
-- procs this node is right after the last inserted node).
SVP_Instance : constant Entity_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Ent), 'G'));
-- Instance of Shared_Storage.Shared_Var_Procs associated with Ent
Instantiation : Node_Id;
-- Package instantiation node for SVP_Instance
-- Start of processing for Make_Shared_Var_Procs
Build_Full_Name (Ent, Vnm);
-- We turn off Shared_Passive during construction and analysis of the
-- generic package instantiation, to avoid improper attempts to process
-- the variable references within these instantiation.
Set_Is_Shared_Passive (Ent, False);
-- Construct generic package instantiation
-- package varG is new Shared_Var_Procs (typ, var, "pkg.var");
Obj := New_Occurrence_Of (Ent, Loc);
Obj_Typ := Typ;
if Is_Concurrent_Type (Typ) then
Obj := Convert_Concurrent (N => Obj, Typ => Typ);
Obj_Typ := Corresponding_Record_Type (Typ);
end if;
Instantiation :=
Make_Package_Instantiation (Loc,
Defining_Unit_Name => SVP_Instance,
Name =>
New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Shared_Var_Procs), Loc),
Generic_Associations => New_List (
Make_Generic_Association (Loc,
Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter =>
New_Occurrence_Of (Obj_Typ, Loc)),
Make_Generic_Association (Loc,
Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter => Obj),
Make_Generic_Association (Loc,
Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter =>
Make_String_Literal (Loc, Vnm))));
Insert_After_And_Analyze (N, Instantiation);
Set_Is_Shared_Passive (Ent, True);
(Ent, Defining_Entity (Instance_Spec (Instantiation)));
-- Return last node before After
Nod : Node_Id := Next (N);
while Next (Nod) /= After loop
Nod := Next (Nod);
end loop;
return Nod;
end Make_Shared_Var_Procs;
-- On_Lhs_Of_Assignment --
function On_Lhs_Of_Assignment (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
P : constant Node_Id := Parent (N);
if Nkind (P) = N_Assignment_Statement then
if N = Name (P) then
Insert_Node := P;
return True;
return False;
end if;
elsif Nkind_In (P, N_Indexed_Component, N_Selected_Component)
and then N = Prefix (P)
return On_Lhs_Of_Assignment (P);
return False;
end if;
end On_Lhs_Of_Assignment;
end Exp_Smem;