blob: 3b0e4ba9af1c97f217817a5603b263760331939f [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- G E N _ I L --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2020-2021, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
pragma Warnings (Off); -- with clauses for children
with Ada.Strings.Text_Output.Formatting;
use Ada.Strings.Text_Output, Ada.Strings.Text_Output.Formatting;
with Ada.Strings.Text_Output.Files; use Ada.Strings.Text_Output.Files;
with Ada.Strings.Text_Output.Utils; use Ada.Strings.Text_Output.Utils;
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
pragma Warnings (On);
package Gen_IL is -- generate intermediate language
-- This package and children generates the main intermediate language used
-- by the compiler, which is a decorated syntax tree.
-- Here's what the hand-written and generated code looks like. The make
-- files run the gen_il-main.adb program to generate the generated files
-- listed below, before building the compiler proper.
--, atree.adb: Rewrite according to low-level
-- design notes. Remove package Unchecked_Access.
-- Low-level getters and setters go in Atree_Private_Part.
-- These are called by the high-level automatically-generated
-- getters and setters in Sinfo.Nodes and Einfo.Entities.
-- Also used by Atree.Traverse_Func, and by Treepr.
--, Remove getters and setters.
-- Remove Write_... routines used by old Treepr.
-- Keep commments describing the semantics of all the nodes,
-- entities, and fields. These comments are wrong, but only
-- a little, and I'm not going to try to fix them. At some
-- point, we could remove the comments giving field offsets
-- (e.g. "(Flag5-Sem)"), but for now, just note that that's
-- obsolete info.
-- einfo.adb, sinfo.adb: Delete.
--, gen_il.adb: Mostly empty root package for the
-- "generate intermediate language" program, which generates
-- all the files mentioned here.
-- The main program is gen_il-main.adb.
--, sinfo-utils.adb,, einfo-utils.adb:
-- Move all handwritten code currently in sinfo&einfo to here,
-- if it refers to stuff in,
-- This includes the "synthesized attributes".
-- Enumeration type containing one literal for
-- each type of interest. That includes all the Node_Kinds and
-- Entity_Kinds, plus the subtypes that include multiple
-- Node_Kinds and Entity_Kinds (all from the old sinfo/einfo),
-- plus all field types (Uint, Ureal, Name_Id, etc).
-- Enumeration of all the fields of all node
-- and entity types.
--, gen_il-gen.adb: Implementation of the "compiler"
-- for the "little language".
-- gen_il-gen-gen_nodes.adb: Procedure to generate Sinfo.Nodes
-- (by calling procedures in Gen_IL).
-- This defines what abstract and concrete node types exist,
-- and what fields they have. This and the next one are the
-- hard part. I'm planning to generate this semi-automatically.
-- But once it's working, we will maintain it by hand.
-- gen_il-gen-gen_entities.adb: Procedure to generate einfo-entities.*.
-- This defines what abstract and concrete entity types exist,
-- and what fields they have.
-- Generated by gen_il-main.adb. Contains declarations shared
-- by Sinfo.Nodes and Einfo.Entities.
--, sinfo-nodes.adb: Generated by gen_il-main.adb
-- (really by Gen_Nodes). Contains:
-- - Information in comments, such as what fields exist in what
-- node kinds, which might be hard to compute by hand for
-- inherited fields.
-- - Type Node_Kind. Same as the old Sinfo, but now generated.
-- One enumeral for each concrete node type in Gen_Nodes.
-- - One subtype of Node_Kind for each abstract type in Gen_Nodes.
-- Same as the old Sinfo, but now generated. E.g.:
-- subtype N_Representation_Clause is Node_Kind range
-- N_At_Clause .. N_Attribute_Definition_Clause;
-- - One subtype of Node_Id for each abstract and concrete type,
-- with a predicate requiring the right Nkind. E.g.:
-- subtype N_Representation_Clause_Id is
-- Node_Id with Predicate =>
-- Nkind (N_Representation_Clause_Id) in N_Representation_Clause;
-- - Getters and setters for every node field. If the field is defined
-- for all node kinds in one of the above Node_Id subtypes and no
-- others, then we use that as the parameter subtype:
-- function Abortable_Part
-- (N : N_Asynchronous_Select_Id) return Node_Id with Inline;
-- Otherwise, we use a precondition:
-- function Abstract_Present
-- (N : Node_Id) return Flag with Inline, Pre =>
-- N in N_Private_Extension_Declaration_Id
-- | N_Private_Type_Declaration_Id
-- | N_Derived_Type_Definition_Id
-- ...
-- - Type Node_Field: Enumeration of all node fields. Used by Treepr,
-- and in tables below.
-- - Table of syntactic fields. For each node kind, we have a sequence
-- of fields. A field is included if it exists in that node kind,
-- and it is syntactic, and it is of type Node_Id or List_Id.
-- Used by Traverse_Func.
-- - Table of node sizes, indexed by Node_Kind. Used by Atree when
-- allocating and copying nodes.
-- - Table mapping Node_Kinds to the sequence of fields that exist in
-- that Node_Kind. Used by Treepr.
-- - Node_Field_Descriptors: Table mapping fields to type and offset.
-- Used by Treepr to know where to find each field, and what its
-- type is, for printing.
-- - The body contains instantiations of the low-level getters and
-- setters declared in Atree, e.g.:
-- function Get_List_Id is new Get_32_Bit_Field (List_Id)
-- with Inline;
-- procedure Set_List_Id is new Set_32_Bit_Field (List_Id)
-- with Inline;
-- and bodies of the high-level getters and setters, e.g.:
-- function Actions
-- (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
-- begin
-- return Get_List_Id (N, 4);
-- end Actions;
--, einfo-entities.adb: Generated by gen_il-main.adb
-- (really by Gen_Entities). Contains the same sort of stuff as
-- Sinfo.Nodes, except no table of syntactic fields.
--, nmake.adb: Same contents as the old version, but generated by
-- Gen_IL instead of xnmake.
-- treepr.adb: Rewrite to use the tables in Nodes and Entities.
-- Delete. (Was automatically generated.)
-- Treepr no longer needs this; it can use 'Image on the
-- enumeration types in Nodes and Entities.
-- csinfo.adb, ceinfo.adb, xsinfo.adb, xeinfo.adb, xnmake.adb,
-- xtreeprs.adb, nmake.adt, treeprs.adt: Delete.
-- C++ code:
-- atree.h (hand-written code):
-- This code should be entirely deleted, and replaced with low-level
-- getters analogous to the generic getters in Atree. One getter for each
-- field size (currently 1, 2, 4, 8, and 32 bits. No need for setters.
-- ----------------
-- fe.h (hand-written code):
-- There are comments in various places that say that gigi
-- does not modify the tree. However, I discovered some stuff
-- in fe.h that modifies the tree:
-- #define End_Location sinfo__end_location
-- #define Set_Has_No_Elaboration_Code sinfo__set_has_no_elaboration_code
-- #define Set_Present_Expr sinfo__set_present_expr
-- #define Set_Alignment einfo__set_alignment
-- #define Set_Component_Bit_Offset einfo__set_component_bit_offset
-- #define Set_Component_Size einfo__set_component_size
-- #define Set_Esize einfo__set_esize
-- #define Set_Mechanism einfo__set_mechanism
-- #define Set_Normalized_First_Bit einfo__set_normalized_first_bit
-- #define Set_Normalized_Position einfo__set_normalized_position
-- #define Set_RM_Size einfo__set_rm_size
-- #define Is_Entity_Name einfo__utils__is_entity_name
-- #define Get_Attribute_Definition_Clause \
-- einfo__utils__get_attribute_definition_clause
-- These setters and some getters need to be changed because the
-- setters and getters are moving from Sinfo to Sinfo.Nodes,
-- and from Einfo to Einfo.Entities. The last two will be in Einfo.Utils.
-- ----------------
-- sinfo.h (tool-generated code):
-- A bunch of #defines for the node kinds. These can remain the same.
-- A bunch of calls to SUBTYPE (macro defined in gcc-interface/ada.h).
-- These can remain the same.
-- A bunch of getters (no setters), like:
-- INLINE Boolean Abort_Present (Node_Id N)
-- { return Flag15 (N); }
-- Change this to call the new low-level getters.
-- Something like:
-- INLINE Boolean Abort_Present (Node_Id N)
-- { return Get_Flag (N, 15); }
-- Generate the low-level getters in the same file, before the above
-- high-level getters, one for each field type:
-- Flag
-- Node_Id
-- List_Id
-- Elist_Id
-- Name_Id
-- String_Id
-- Uint
-- Ureal
-- Node_Kind
-- Entity_Kind
-- Source_Ptr
-- Small_Paren_Count_Type
-- Union_Id
-- Convention_Id
-- Component_Alignment_Kind
-- Float_Rep_Kind
-- Mechanism_Type
-- These are in types.h.
-- ----------------
-- einfo.h (tool-generated code):
-- Can mostly remain the same, except:
-- Call low-level getters, as for sinfo.h.
-- The getters that are NOT inlined will be moved from
-- Einfo to Einfo.Entities.
-- I don't understand why some are not inlined (e.g Float_Rep?).
-- Most are not inlined because they are synthesized.
-- Maybe that should be hand written, and moved to a different file.
-- Or maybe Gen_IL should know about these fields.
-- We have code like:
-- INLINE B Is_Subprogram_Or_Generic_Subprogram (E Id)
-- { return IN (Ekind (Id), Subprogram_Kind) || IN (Ekind (Id),
-- Generic_Subprogram_Kind); }
-- That should be hand written, and moved to atree.h or fe.h.
-- Is_Record_Type requires special treatment, because Record_Kind is
-- a nonhierarchical type.
-- Looks like the getters are in alphabetical order.
-- Except for the Is_..._Type ones.
-- Misc declarations used throughout:
type Root_Int is new Integer;
function Image (X : Root_Int) return String;
-- Without the extra blank. You can derive from Root_Int or the subtypes
-- below, and inherit a convenient Image function that leaves out that
-- blank.
subtype Root_Nat is Root_Int range 0 .. Root_Int'Last;
subtype Root_Pos is Root_Int range 1 .. Root_Int'Last;
function Capitalize (S : String) return String;
procedure Capitalize (S : in out String);
-- Turns an identifier into Mixed_Case
type String_Ptr is access all String;
end Gen_IL;