blob: 393941f8831e4457afcc7490fbd6d3499cb41efc [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do run }
// { dg-options "" }
// This test makes sure that the stuff in lex.c (real_yylex) is
// set up to handle real and imag numbers correctly. This test is against
// a bug where the compiler was not converting the integer `90' to a
// complex number, unless you did `90.0'. Fixed 10/1/1997.
extern "C" {
int printf (const char *, ...);
void exit (int);
void abort (void);
__complex__ double cd;
int one = 1;
cd = 1.0+90i;
cd *= one;
if (__real__ cd != 1 || __imag__ cd != 90)
abort ();
exit (0);