blob: 919cb4e07a5d973387a8c0c97befde80fa689aad [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
program foo
logical :: a = .false.
integer :: i = 42
integer(8) :: k
k = iand(z'aaaa', z'1234') ! { dg-error "cannot both be BOZ literal" }
k = and(z'aaaa', z'1234') ! { dg-error "cannot both be BOZ literal" }
k = and(1, z'1234')
k = and(i, z'1234')
k = ieor(z'ade',i)
k = ior(i,z'1111')
k = ior(i,k) ! { dg-error "different kind type parameters" }
k = and(i,k)
k = and(a,z'1234') ! { dg-error "must have the same type" }
end program foo