blob: 74a41032910701f13fca9d7a174a595ef417828d [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Check the fix for PR31487 in which the derived type default initializer
! would be padded out with nulls instead of spaces.
! Reported by Harald Anlauf <>
program gfcbug62
implicit none
character(len=16) :: tdefi(2) = (/'0z1jan0000','1hr '/)
type t_ctl
character(len=16) :: tdefi(2) = (/'0z1jan0000','1hr '/)
end type t_ctl
type(t_ctl) :: ctl
integer :: i,k
if (tdefi(1) .ne. ctl%tdefi(1)) STOP 1
end program gfcbug62