blob: b837451b27af1247328194d3cbd2258c70ea2ea2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* As pr94851-1.c, but verify that we don't get confused by a call to
an unknown function (PR analyzer/98575). */
/* { dg-additional-options "-O2" } */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct AMARK {
struct AMARK *m_next;
char m_name;
struct buf {
AMARK *b_amark;
struct buf *curbp;
extern void unknown_fn (void);
int pamark(void) {
int c;
AMARK *p = curbp->b_amark;
AMARK *last = curbp->b_amark;
unknown_fn ();
c = getchar ();
while (p != (AMARK *)NULL && p->m_name != (char)c) {
last = p;
p = p->m_next;
if (p != (AMARK *)NULL) {
printf("over writing mark %c\n", c);
} else {
if ((p = (AMARK *)malloc(sizeof(AMARK))) == (AMARK *)NULL)
return 0;
p->m_next = (AMARK *)NULL;
if (curbp->b_amark == (AMARK *)NULL)
curbp->b_amark = p;
last->m_next = p; /* { dg-warning "dereference of NULL 'last'" } */
p->m_name = (char)c; /* { dg-bogus "leak of 'p'" "bogus leak" } */
return 1;