blob: d9c94acd3ebf028f7f1692faf1208f337d3c9b92 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
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-- S Y S T E M . V X W O R K S --
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-- S p e c --
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-- Copyright (C) 1998-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
-- --
-- This is the ARM VxWorks version of this package
with Interfaces.C;
package System.VxWorks is
pragma Preelaborate (System.VxWorks);
package IC renames Interfaces.C;
-- Floating point context record. ARM version
FP_SGPR_NUM_REGS : constant := 32;
type Fpr_Sgpr_Array is array (1 .. FP_SGPR_NUM_REGS) of IC.unsigned;
-- The record definition below matches what arch/arm/fppArmLib.h says
type FP_CONTEXT is record
fpsid : IC.unsigned; -- system ID register
fpscr : IC.unsigned; -- status and control register
fpexc : IC.unsigned; -- exception register
fpinst : IC.unsigned; -- instruction register
fpinst2 : IC.unsigned; -- instruction register 2
mfvfr0 : IC.unsigned; -- media and VFP feature Register 0
mfvfr1 : IC.unsigned; -- media and VFP feature Register 1
pad : IC.unsigned;
vfp_gpr : Fpr_Sgpr_Array;
end record;
for FP_CONTEXT'Alignment use 4;
pragma Convention (C, FP_CONTEXT);
Num_HW_Interrupts : constant := 256;
-- Number of entries in hardware interrupt vector table
end System.VxWorks;