blob: c64dbf68abf2fc306d6c084a51b8fd5fba7a26d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* D header file for interaction with C++ std::vector.
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2018 D Language Foundation
* License: Distributed under the
* $(LINK2, Boost Software License 1.0).
* (See accompanying file LICENSE)
* Authors: Guillaume Chatelet
* Manu Evans
* Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/stdcpp/vector.d)
module core.stdcpp.vector;
// std::vector declaration.
// Current caveats :
// - missing noexcept
// - nothrow @trusted @nogc for most functions depend on knowledge
// of T's construction/destruction/assignment semantics
import core.stdcpp.allocator;
enum DefaultConstruct { value }
/// Constructor argument for default construction
enum Default = DefaultConstruct();
extern(C++, "std"):
alias vector(T) = vector!(T, allocator!T);
extern(C++, class) struct vector(T, Alloc)
import core.lifetime : forward, move, core_emplace = emplace;
static assert(!is(T == bool), "vector!bool not supported!");
alias size_type = size_t;
alias difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
alias value_type = T;
alias allocator_type = Alloc;
alias pointer = T*;
alias const_pointer = const(T)*;
/// MSVC allocates on default initialisation in debug, which can't be modelled by D `struct`
@disable this();
alias length = size;
alias opDollar = length;
size_t[2] opSlice(size_t dim : 0)(size_t start, size_t end) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return [start, end]; }
ref inout(T) opIndex(size_t index) inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return as_array[index]; }
inout(T)[] opIndex(size_t[2] slice) inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return as_array[slice[0] .. slice[1]]; }
inout(T)[] opIndex() inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return as_array(); }
ref vector opAssign(U)(auto ref vector!(U, Alloc) s) { opAssign(s.as_array); return this; }
ref vector opAssign(T[] array)
insert(0, array);
return this;
void opIndexAssign()(auto ref T val, size_t index) { as_array[index] = val; }
void opIndexAssign()(auto ref T val, size_t[2] slice) { as_array[slice[0] .. slice[1]] = val; }
void opIndexAssign(T[] val, size_t[2] slice) { as_array[slice[0] .. slice[1]] = val[]; }
void opIndexAssign()(auto ref T val) { as_array[] = val; }
void opIndexAssign(T[] val) { as_array[] = val[]; }
void opIndexOpAssign(string op)(auto ref T val, size_t index) { mixin("as_array[index] " ~ op ~ "= val;"); }
void opIndexOpAssign(string op)(auto ref T val, size_t[2] slice) { mixin("as_array[slice[0] .. slice[1]] " ~ op ~ "= val;"); }
void opIndexOpAssign(string op)(T[] val, size_t[2] slice) { mixin("as_array[slice[0] .. slice[1]] " ~ op ~ "= val[];"); }
void opIndexOpAssign(string op)(auto ref T val) { mixin("as_array[] " ~ op ~ "= val;"); }
void opIndexOpAssign(string op)(T[] val) { mixin("as_array[] " ~ op ~ "= val[];"); }
ref inout(T) front() inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return as_array[0]; }
ref inout(T) back() inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return as_array[$-1]; }
ref vector opOpAssign(string op : "~")(auto ref T item) { push_back(forward!item); return this; }
ref vector opOpAssign(string op : "~")(T[] array) { insert(length, array); return this; }
void append(T[] array) { insert(length, array); }
/// Performs elementwise equality check.
bool opEquals(this This, That)(auto ref That rhs)
if (is(immutable That == immutable vector)) { return as_array == rhs.as_array; }
/// Performs lexicographical comparison.
static if (is(typeof((ref T a, ref T b) => a < b)))
int opCmp(this This, That)(auto ref That rhs)
if (is(immutable That == immutable vector)) { return __cmp(as_array, rhs.as_array); }
/// Hash to allow `vector`s to be used as keys for built-in associative arrays.
/// **The result will generally not be the same as C++ `std::hash<std::vector<T>>`.**
size_t toHash() const { return .hashOf(as_array); }
// Modifiers
void push_back(U)(auto ref U element)
version (CppRuntime_Microsoft)
// Microsoft runtime
this(DefaultConstruct) @nogc { _Alloc_proxy(); }
this()(size_t count)
scope(failure) _Tidy();
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Udefault(_Get_data()._Myfirst, count);
this()(size_t count, auto ref T val)
scope(failure) _Tidy();
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Ufill(_Get_data()._Myfirst, count, val);
this()(T[] array)
scope(failure) _Tidy();
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Utransfer!false(array.ptr, array.ptr + array.length, _Get_data()._Myfirst);
pointer _First = _Get_data()._Myfirst;
pointer _Last = _Get_data()._Mylast;
_Buy(_Last - _First);
scope(failure) _Tidy();
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Utransfer!false(_First, _Last, _Get_data()._Myfirst);
~this() { _Tidy(); }
ref inout(Alloc) get_allocator() inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return _Getal(); }
size_type max_size() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return ((size_t.max / T.sizeof) - 1) / 2; } // HACK: clone the windows version precisely?
size_type size() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return _Get_data()._Mylast - _Get_data()._Myfirst; }
size_type capacity() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return _Get_data()._Myend - _Get_data()._Myfirst; }
bool empty() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return _Get_data()._Myfirst == _Get_data()._Mylast; }
inout(T)* data() inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return _Get_data()._Myfirst; }
inout(T)[] as_array() inout pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { return _Get_data()._Myfirst[0 .. size()]; }
ref inout(T) at(size_type i) inout pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { return _Get_data()._Myfirst[0 .. size()][i]; }
ref T emplace_back(Args...)(auto ref Args args)
if (_Has_unused_capacity())
return _Emplace_back_with_unused_capacity(forward!args);
return *_Emplace_reallocate(_Get_data()._Mylast, forward!args);
void reserve(const size_type newCapacity)
if (newCapacity > capacity())
// if (newCapacity > max_size())
// _Xlength();
void shrink_to_fit()
if (_Has_unused_capacity())
if (empty())
void pop_back()
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2)
assert(!empty(), "vector empty before pop");
_Orphan_range(_Get_data()._Mylast - 1, _Get_data()._Mylast);
void clear()
_Destroy(_Get_data()._Myfirst, _Get_data()._Mylast);
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Get_data()._Myfirst;
void resize()(const size_type newsize)
static assert(is(typeof({static T i;})), T.stringof ~ ".this() is annotated with @disable.");
_Resize(newsize, (pointer _Dest, size_type _Count) => _Udefault(_Dest, _Count));
void resize()(const size_type newsize, auto ref T val)
_Resize(newsize, (pointer _Dest, size_type _Count) => _Ufill(_Dest, _Count, forward!val));
void emplace(Args...)(size_t offset, auto ref Args args)
pointer _Whereptr = _Get_data()._Myfirst + offset;
pointer _Oldlast = _Get_data()._Mylast;
if (_Has_unused_capacity())
if (_Whereptr == _Oldlast)
T _Obj = T(forward!args);
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2)
_Orphan_range(_Whereptr, _Oldlast);
move(_Oldlast[-1], *_Oldlast);
_Move_backward_unchecked(_Whereptr, _Oldlast - 1, _Oldlast);
move(_Obj, *_Whereptr);
_Emplace_reallocate(_Whereptr, forward!args);
void insert(size_t offset, T[] array)
pointer _Where = _Get_data()._Myfirst + offset;
pointer _First = array.ptr;
pointer _Last = _First + array.length;
const size_type _Count = array.length;
const size_type _Whereoff = offset;
const bool _One_at_back = _Count == 1 && _Get_data()._Myfirst + _Whereoff == _Get_data()._Mylast;
if (_Count == 0)
// nothing to do, avoid invalidating iterators
else if (_Count > _Unused_capacity())
{ // reallocate
const size_type _Oldsize = size();
// if (_Count > max_size() - _Oldsize)
// _Xlength();
const size_type _Newsize = _Oldsize + _Count;
const size_type _Newcapacity = _Calculate_growth(_Newsize);
pointer _Newvec = _Getal().allocate(_Newcapacity);
pointer _Constructed_last = _Newvec + _Whereoff + _Count;
pointer _Constructed_first = _Constructed_last;
_Utransfer!false(_First, _Last, _Newvec + _Whereoff);
_Constructed_first = _Newvec + _Whereoff;
if (_One_at_back)
_Utransfer!(true, true)(_Get_data()._Myfirst, _Get_data()._Mylast, _Newvec);
_Utransfer!true(_Get_data()._Myfirst, _Where, _Newvec);
_Constructed_first = _Newvec;
_Utransfer!true(_Where, _Get_data()._Mylast, _Newvec + _Whereoff + _Count);
catch (Throwable e)
_Destroy(_Constructed_first, _Constructed_last);
_Getal().deallocate(_Newvec, _Newcapacity);
throw e;
_Change_array(_Newvec, _Newsize, _Newcapacity);
{ // Attempt to provide the strong guarantee for EmplaceConstructible failure.
// If we encounter copy/move construction/assignment failure, provide the basic guarantee.
// (For one-at-back, this provides the strong guarantee.)
pointer _Oldlast = _Get_data()._Mylast;
const size_type _Affected_elements = cast(size_type)(_Oldlast - _Where);
if (_Count < _Affected_elements)
{ // some affected elements must be assigned
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Utransfer!true(_Oldlast - _Count, _Oldlast, _Oldlast);
_Move_backward_unchecked(_Where, _Oldlast - _Count, _Oldlast);
_Destroy(_Where, _Where + _Count);
_Utransfer!false(_First, _Last, _Where);
catch (Throwable e)
// glue the broken pieces back together
_Utransfer!true(_Where + _Count, _Where + 2 * _Count, _Where);
catch (Throwable e)
// vaporize the detached piece
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2)
_Orphan_range(_Where, _Oldlast);
_Destroy(_Where + _Count, _Get_data()._Mylast);
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Where;
throw e;
_Move_unchecked(_Where + 2 * _Count, _Get_data()._Mylast, _Where + _Count);
_Destroy(_Oldlast, _Get_data()._Mylast);
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Oldlast;
throw e;
{ // affected elements don't overlap before/after
pointer _Relocated = _Where + _Count;
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Utransfer!true(_Where, _Oldlast, _Relocated);
_Destroy(_Where, _Oldlast);
_Utransfer!false(_First, _Last, _Where);
catch (Throwable e)
// glue the broken pieces back together
_Utransfer!true(_Relocated, _Get_data()._Mylast, _Where);
catch (Throwable e)
// vaporize the detached piece
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2)
_Orphan_range(_Where, _Oldlast);
_Destroy(_Relocated, _Get_data()._Mylast);
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Where;
throw e;
_Destroy(_Relocated, _Get_data()._Mylast);
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Oldlast;
throw e;
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2)
_Orphan_range(_Where, _Oldlast);
import core.stdcpp.xutility : MSVCLinkDirectives;
// Make sure the object files wont link against mismatching objects
mixin MSVCLinkDirectives!true;
pragma(inline, true)
ref inout(_Base.Alloc) _Getal() inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return _Base._Mypair._Myval1; }
ref inout(_Base.ValTy) _Get_data() inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return _Base._Mypair._Myval2; }
void _Alloc_proxy() @nogc
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0)
void _AssignAllocator(ref const(allocator_type) al) nothrow @nogc
static if (_Base._Mypair._HasFirst)
_Getal() = al;
bool _Buy(size_type _Newcapacity) @trusted @nogc
_Get_data()._Myfirst = null;
_Get_data()._Mylast = null;
_Get_data()._Myend = null;
if (_Newcapacity == 0)
return false;
// TODO: how to handle this in D? kinda like a range exception...
// if (_Newcapacity > max_size())
// _Xlength();
_Get_data()._Myfirst = _Getal().allocate(_Newcapacity);
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Get_data()._Myfirst;
_Get_data()._Myend = _Get_data()._Myfirst + _Newcapacity;
return true;
static void _Destroy(pointer _First, pointer _Last)
for (; _First != _Last; ++_First)
void _Tidy()
if (_Get_data()._Myfirst)
_Destroy(_Get_data()._Myfirst, _Get_data()._Mylast);
_Getal().deallocate(_Get_data()._Myfirst, capacity());
_Get_data()._Myfirst = null;
_Get_data()._Mylast = null;
_Get_data()._Myend = null;
size_type _Unused_capacity() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc
return _Get_data()._Myend - _Get_data()._Mylast;
bool _Has_unused_capacity() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc
return _Get_data()._Myend != _Get_data()._Mylast;
ref T _Emplace_back_with_unused_capacity(Args...)(auto ref Args args)
core_emplace(_Get_data()._Mylast, forward!args);
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2)
_Orphan_range(_Get_data()._Mylast, _Get_data()._Mylast);
return *_Get_data()._Mylast++;
pointer _Emplace_reallocate(_Valty...)(pointer _Whereptr, auto ref _Valty _Val)
const size_type _Whereoff = _Whereptr - _Get_data()._Myfirst;
const size_type _Oldsize = size();
// TODO: what should we do in D? kinda like a range overflow?
// if (_Oldsize == max_size())
// _Xlength();
const size_type _Newsize = _Oldsize + 1;
const size_type _Newcapacity = _Calculate_growth(_Newsize);
pointer _Newvec = _Getal().allocate(_Newcapacity);
pointer _Constructed_last = _Newvec + _Whereoff + 1;
pointer _Constructed_first = _Constructed_last;
core_emplace(_Newvec + _Whereoff, forward!_Val);
_Constructed_first = _Newvec + _Whereoff;
if (_Whereptr == _Get_data()._Mylast)
_Utransfer!(true, true)(_Get_data()._Myfirst, _Get_data()._Mylast, _Newvec);
_Utransfer!true(_Get_data()._Myfirst, _Whereptr, _Newvec);
_Constructed_first = _Newvec;
_Utransfer!true(_Whereptr, _Get_data()._Mylast, _Newvec + _Whereoff + 1);
catch (Throwable e)
_Destroy(_Constructed_first, _Constructed_last);
_Getal().deallocate(_Newvec, _Newcapacity);
throw e;
_Change_array(_Newvec, _Newsize, _Newcapacity);
return _Get_data()._Myfirst + _Whereoff;
void _Resize(_Lambda)(const size_type _Newsize, _Lambda _Udefault_or_fill)
const size_type _Oldsize = size();
const size_type _Oldcapacity = capacity();
if (_Newsize > _Oldcapacity)
// if (_Newsize > max_size())
// _Xlength();
const size_type _Newcapacity = _Calculate_growth(_Newsize);
pointer _Newvec = _Getal().allocate(_Newcapacity);
pointer _Appended_first = _Newvec + _Oldsize;
pointer _Appended_last = _Appended_first;
_Appended_last = _Udefault_or_fill(_Appended_first, _Newsize - _Oldsize);
_Utransfer!(true, true)(_Get_data()._Myfirst, _Get_data()._Mylast, _Newvec);
catch (Throwable e)
_Destroy(_Appended_first, _Appended_last);
_Getal().deallocate(_Newvec, _Newcapacity);
throw e;
_Change_array(_Newvec, _Newsize, _Newcapacity);
else if (_Newsize > _Oldsize)
pointer _Oldlast = _Get_data()._Mylast;
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Udefault_or_fill(_Oldlast, _Newsize - _Oldsize);
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2)
_Orphan_range(_Oldlast, _Oldlast);
else if (_Newsize == _Oldsize)
// nothing to do, avoid invalidating iterators
pointer _Newlast = _Get_data()._Myfirst + _Newsize;
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2)
_Orphan_range(_Newlast, _Get_data()._Mylast);
_Destroy(_Newlast, _Get_data()._Mylast);
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Newlast;
void _Reallocate_exactly(const size_type _Newcapacity)
import core.lifetime : moveEmplace;
const size_type _Size = size();
pointer _Newvec = _Getal().allocate(_Newcapacity);
for (size_t i = _Size; i > 0; )
moveEmplace(_Get_data()._Myfirst[i], _Newvec[i]);
catch (Throwable e)
_Getal().deallocate(_Newvec, _Newcapacity);
throw e;
_Change_array(_Newvec, _Size, _Newcapacity);
void _Change_array(pointer _Newvec, const size_type _Newsize, const size_type _Newcapacity)
if (_Get_data()._Myfirst != null)
_Destroy(_Get_data()._Myfirst, _Get_data()._Mylast);
_Getal().deallocate(_Get_data()._Myfirst, capacity());
_Get_data()._Myfirst = _Newvec;
_Get_data()._Mylast = _Newvec + _Newsize;
_Get_data()._Myend = _Newvec + _Newcapacity;
size_type _Calculate_growth(const size_type _Newsize) const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
const size_type _Oldcapacity = capacity();
if (_Oldcapacity > max_size() - _Oldcapacity/2)
return _Newsize;
const size_type _Geometric = _Oldcapacity + _Oldcapacity/2;
if (_Geometric < _Newsize)
return _Newsize;
return _Geometric;
struct _Uninitialized_backout
this() @disable;
this(pointer _Dest)
_First = _Dest;
_Last = _Dest;
_Destroy(_First, _Last);
void _Emplace_back(Args...)(auto ref Args args)
core_emplace(_Last, forward!args);
pointer _Release()
_First = _Last;
return _Last;
pointer _First;
pointer _Last;
pointer _Utransfer(bool _move, bool _ifNothrow = false)(pointer _First, pointer _Last, pointer _Dest)
// TODO: if copy/move are trivial, then we can memcpy/memmove
auto _Backout = _Uninitialized_backout(_Dest);
for (; _First != _Last; ++_First)
static if (_move && (!_ifNothrow || true)) // isNothrow!T (move in D is always nothrow! ...until opPostMove)
return _Backout._Release();
pointer _Ufill()(pointer _Dest, size_t _Count, auto ref T val)
// TODO: if T.sizeof == 1 and no elaborate constructor, fast-path to memset
// TODO: if copy ctor/postblit are nothrow, just range assign
auto _Backout = _Uninitialized_backout(_Dest);
for (; 0 < _Count; --_Count)
return _Backout._Release();
pointer _Udefault()(pointer _Dest, size_t _Count)
// TODO: if zero init, then fast-path to zeromem
auto _Backout = _Uninitialized_backout(_Dest);
for (; 0 < _Count; --_Count)
return _Backout._Release();
pointer _Move_unchecked(pointer _First, pointer _Last, pointer _Dest)
// TODO: can `memmove` if conditions are right...
for (; _First != _Last; ++_Dest, ++_First)
move(*_First, *_Dest);
return _Dest;
pointer _Move_backward_unchecked(pointer _First, pointer _Last, pointer _Dest)
while (_First != _Last)
move(*--_Last, *--_Dest);
return _Dest;
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2)
void _Orphan_range(pointer _First, pointer _Last) const @nogc
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _Lockit, _LOCK_DEBUG;
alias const_iterator = _Base.const_iterator;
auto _Lock = _Lockit(_LOCK_DEBUG);
const_iterator** _Pnext = cast(const_iterator**)_Get_data()._Base._Getpfirst();
if (!_Pnext)
while (*_Pnext)
if ((*_Pnext)._Ptr < _First || _Last < (*_Pnext)._Ptr)
_Pnext = cast(const_iterator**)(*_Pnext)._Base._Getpnext();
*_Pnext = *cast(const_iterator**)(*_Pnext)._Base._Getpnext();
_Vector_alloc!(_Vec_base_types!(T, Alloc)) _Base;
else version (None)
size_type size() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return 0; }
size_type capacity() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return 0; }
bool empty() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return true; }
inout(T)* data() inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return null; }
inout(T)[] as_array() inout pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { return null; }
ref inout(T) at(size_type i) inout pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { data()[0]; }
static assert(false, "C++ runtime not supported");
// platform detail
version (CppRuntime_Microsoft)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL;
extern (C++, struct) struct _Vec_base_types(_Ty, _Alloc0)
alias Ty = _Ty;
alias Alloc = _Alloc0;
extern (C++, class) struct _Vector_alloc(_Alloc_types)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _Compressed_pair;
alias Ty = _Alloc_types.Ty;
alias Alloc = _Alloc_types.Alloc;
alias ValTy = _Vector_val!Ty;
void _Orphan_all() nothrow @safe
static if (is(typeof(ValTy._Base)))
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _Container_proxy;
alias const_iterator = _Vector_const_iterator!(ValTy);
void _Alloc_proxy() @trusted
import core.lifetime : emplace;
alias _Alproxy = Alloc.rebind!_Container_proxy;
_Alproxy _Proxy_allocator = _Alproxy(_Mypair._Myval1);
_Mypair._Myval2._Base._Myproxy = _Proxy_allocator.allocate(1);
_Mypair._Myval2._Base._Myproxy._Mycont = &_Mypair._Myval2._Base;
void _Free_proxy()
alias _Alproxy = Alloc.rebind!_Container_proxy;
_Alproxy _Proxy_allocator = _Alproxy(_Mypair._Myval1);
_Proxy_allocator.deallocate(_Mypair._Myval2._Base._Myproxy, 1);
_Mypair._Myval2._Base._Myproxy = null;
_Compressed_pair!(Alloc, ValTy) _Mypair;
extern (C++, class) struct _Vector_val(T)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _Container_base;
import core.stdcpp.type_traits : is_empty;
alias pointer = T*;
static if (!is_empty!_Container_base.value)
_Container_base _Base;
pointer _Myfirst; // pointer to beginning of array
pointer _Mylast; // pointer to current end of sequence
pointer _Myend; // pointer to end of array
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0)
extern (C++, class) struct _Vector_const_iterator(_Myvec)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _Iterator_base;
import core.stdcpp.type_traits : is_empty;
static if (!is_empty!_Iterator_base.value)
_Iterator_base _Base;
_Myvec.pointer _Ptr;