blob: ee2d73a1233428336d0608e72615b5026030ecc5 [file] [log] [blame]
[SumType] is a generic discriminated union implementation that uses
design-by-introspection to generate safe and efficient code. Its features
* [Pattern matching.][match]
* Support for self-referential types.
* Full attribute correctness (`pure`, `@safe`, `@nogc`, and `nothrow` are
inferred whenever possible).
* A type-safe and memory-safe API compatible with DIP 1000 (`scope`).
* No dependency on runtime type information (`TypeInfo`).
* Compatibility with BetterC.
License: Boost License 1.0
Authors: Paul Backus
Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/sumtype.d)
module std.sumtype;
/// $(DIVID basic-usage,$(H3 Basic usage))
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
struct Fahrenheit { double degrees; }
struct Celsius { double degrees; }
struct Kelvin { double degrees; }
alias Temperature = SumType!(Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin);
// Construct from any of the member types.
Temperature t1 = Fahrenheit(98.6);
Temperature t2 = Celsius(100);
Temperature t3 = Kelvin(273);
// Use pattern matching to access the value.
Fahrenheit toFahrenheit(Temperature t)
return Fahrenheit(
(Fahrenheit f) => f.degrees,
(Celsius c) => c.degrees * 9.0/5 + 32,
(Kelvin k) => k.degrees * 9.0/5 - 459.4
// Use ref to modify the value in place.
void freeze(ref Temperature t)
(ref Fahrenheit f) => f.degrees = 32,
(ref Celsius c) => c.degrees = 0,
(ref Kelvin k) => k.degrees = 273
// Use a catch-all handler to give a default result.
bool isFahrenheit(Temperature t)
return t.match!(
(Fahrenheit f) => true,
_ => false
/** $(DIVID introspection-based-matching, $(H3 Introspection-based matching))
* In the `length` and `horiz` functions below, the handlers for `match` do not
* specify the types of their arguments. Instead, matching is done based on how
* the argument is used in the body of the handler: any type with `x` and `y`
* properties will be matched by the `rect` handlers, and any type with `r` and
* `theta` properties will be matched by the `polar` handlers.
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.trigonometry : cos;
import std.math.constants : PI;
import std.math.algebraic : sqrt;
struct Rectangular { double x, y; }
struct Polar { double r, theta; }
alias Vector = SumType!(Rectangular, Polar);
double length(Vector v)
return v.match!(
rect => sqrt(rect.x^^2 + rect.y^^2),
polar => polar.r
double horiz(Vector v)
return v.match!(
rect => rect.x,
polar => polar.r * cos(polar.theta)
Vector u = Rectangular(1, 1);
Vector v = Polar(1, PI/4);
/** $(DIVID arithmetic-expression-evaluator, $(H3 Arithmetic expression evaluator))
* This example makes use of the special placeholder type `This` to define a
* [recursive data type]( an
* [abstract syntax tree]( for
* representing simple arithmetic expressions.
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@system unittest
import std.functional : partial;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
import std.typecons : Tuple;
enum Op : string
Plus = "+",
Minus = "-",
Times = "*",
Div = "/"
// An expression is either
// - a number,
// - a variable, or
// - a binary operation combining two sub-expressions.
alias Expr = SumType!(
Tuple!(Op, "op", This*, "lhs", This*, "rhs")
// Shorthand for Tuple!(Op, "op", Expr*, "lhs", Expr*, "rhs"),
// the Tuple type above with Expr substituted for This.
alias BinOp = Expr.Types[2];
// Factory function for number expressions
Expr* num(double value)
return new Expr(value);
// Factory function for variable expressions
Expr* var(string name)
return new Expr(name);
// Factory function for binary operation expressions
Expr* binOp(Op op, Expr* lhs, Expr* rhs)
return new Expr(BinOp(op, lhs, rhs));
// Convenience wrappers for creating BinOp expressions
alias sum = partial!(binOp, Op.Plus);
alias diff = partial!(binOp, Op.Minus);
alias prod = partial!(binOp, Op.Times);
alias quot = partial!(binOp, Op.Div);
// Evaluate expr, looking up variables in env
double eval(Expr expr, double[string] env)
return expr.match!(
(double num) => num,
(string var) => env[var],
(BinOp bop)
double lhs = eval(*bop.lhs, env);
double rhs = eval(*bop.rhs, env);
final switch (bop.op)
static foreach (op; EnumMembers!Op)
case op:
return mixin("lhs" ~ op ~ "rhs");
// Return a "pretty-printed" representation of expr
string pprint(Expr expr)
import std.format : format;
return expr.match!(
(double num) => "%g".format(num),
(string var) => var,
(BinOp bop) => "(%s %s %s)".format(
cast(string) bop.op,
Expr* myExpr = sum(var("a"), prod(num(2), var("b")));
double[string] myEnv = ["a":3, "b":4, "c":7];
assert(eval(*myExpr, myEnv) == 11);
assert(pprint(*myExpr) == "(a + (2 * b))");
import std.format.spec : FormatSpec, singleSpec;
import std.meta : AliasSeq, Filter, IndexOf = staticIndexOf, Map = staticMap;
import std.meta : NoDuplicates;
import std.meta : anySatisfy, allSatisfy;
import std.traits : hasElaborateCopyConstructor, hasElaborateDestructor;
import std.traits : isAssignable, isCopyable, isStaticArray, isRvalueAssignable;
import std.traits : ConstOf, ImmutableOf, InoutOf, TemplateArgsOf;
import std.traits : CommonType, DeducedParameterType;
import std.typecons : ReplaceTypeUnless;
import std.typecons : Flag;
import std.conv : toCtString;
/// Placeholder used to refer to the enclosing [SumType].
struct This {}
// True if a variable of type T can appear on the lhs of an assignment
private enum isAssignableTo(T) =
isAssignable!T || (!isCopyable!T && isRvalueAssignable!T);
// toHash is required by the language spec to be nothrow and @safe
private enum isHashable(T) = __traits(compiles,
() nothrow @safe { hashOf(T.init); }
private enum hasPostblit(T) = __traits(hasPostblit, T);
private enum isInout(T) = is(T == inout);
* A [tagged union]( that can hold a
* single value from any of a specified set of types.
* The value in a `SumType` can be operated on using [pattern matching][match].
* To avoid ambiguity, duplicate types are not allowed (but see the
* ["basic usage" example](#basic-usage) for a workaround).
* The special type `This` can be used as a placeholder to create
* self-referential types, just like with `Algebraic`. See the
* ["Arithmetic expression evaluator" example](#arithmetic-expression-evaluator) for
* usage.
* A `SumType` is initialized by default to hold the `.init` value of its
* first member type, just like a regular union. The version identifier
* `SumTypeNoDefaultCtor` can be used to disable this behavior.
* See_Also: $(REF Algebraic, std,variant)
struct SumType(Types...)
if (is(NoDuplicates!Types == Types) && Types.length > 0)
/// The types a `SumType` can hold.
alias Types = AliasSeq!(
ReplaceTypeUnless!(isSumTypeInstance, This, typeof(this), TemplateArgsOf!SumType)
enum bool canHoldTag(T) = Types.length <= T.max;
alias unsignedInts = AliasSeq!(ubyte, ushort, uint, ulong);
alias Tag = Filter!(canHoldTag, unsignedInts)[0];
union Storage
// Workaround for
template memberName(T)
if (IndexOf!(T, Types) >= 0)
enum tid = IndexOf!(T, Types);
mixin("enum memberName = `values_", toCtString!tid, "`;");
static foreach (T; Types)
mixin("T ", memberName!T, ";");
Storage storage;
Tag tag;
/* Accesses the value stored in a SumType.
* This method is memory-safe, provided that:
* 1. A SumType's tag is always accurate.
* 2. A SumType cannot be assigned to in @safe code if that assignment
* could cause unsafe aliasing.
* All code that accesses a SumType's tag or storage directly, including
* @safe code in this module, must be manually checked to ensure that it
* does not violate either of the above requirements.
ref inout(T) get(T)() inout
if (IndexOf!(T, Types) >= 0)
enum tid = IndexOf!(T, Types);
assert(tag == tid,
"This `" ~ SumType.stringof ~
"` does not contain a(n) `" ~ T.stringof ~ "`"
return __traits(getMember, storage, Storage.memberName!T);
// Workaround for
version (StdDdoc)
// Dummy type to stand in for loop variable
private struct T;
/// Constructs a `SumType` holding a specific value.
this(T value);
/// ditto
this(const(T) value) const;
/// ditto
this(immutable(T) value) immutable;
/// ditto
this(Value)(Value value) inout
if (is(Value == DeducedParameterType!(inout(T))));
static foreach (tid, T; Types)
/// Constructs a `SumType` holding a specific value.
this(T value)
import core.lifetime : forward;
static if (isCopyable!T)
// Workaround for
__traits(getMember, storage, Storage.memberName!T) = __ctfe ? value : forward!value;
__traits(getMember, storage, Storage.memberName!T) = forward!value;
tag = tid;
static if (isCopyable!(const(T)))
static if (IndexOf!(const(T), Map!(ConstOf, Types)) == tid)
/// ditto
this(const(T) value) const
__traits(getMember, storage, Storage.memberName!T) = value;
tag = tid;
@disable this(const(T) value) const;
static if (isCopyable!(immutable(T)))
static if (IndexOf!(immutable(T), Map!(ImmutableOf, Types)) == tid)
/// ditto
this(immutable(T) value) immutable
__traits(getMember, storage, Storage.memberName!T) = value;
tag = tid;
@disable this(immutable(T) value) immutable;
static if (isCopyable!(inout(T)))
static if (IndexOf!(inout(T), Map!(InoutOf, Types)) == tid)
/// ditto
this(Value)(Value value) inout
if (is(Value == DeducedParameterType!(inout(T))))
__traits(getMember, storage, Storage.memberName!T) = value;
tag = tid;
@disable this(Value)(Value value) inout
if (is(Value == DeducedParameterType!(inout(T))));
static if (anySatisfy!(hasElaborateCopyConstructor, Types))
static if
allSatisfy!(isCopyable, Map!(InoutOf, Types))
&& !anySatisfy!(hasPostblit, Map!(InoutOf, Types))
&& allSatisfy!(isInout, Map!(InoutOf, Types))
/// Constructs a `SumType` that's a copy of another `SumType`.
this(ref inout(SumType) other) inout
storage = other.match!((ref value) {
alias OtherTypes = Map!(InoutOf, Types);
enum tid = IndexOf!(typeof(value), OtherTypes);
alias T = Types[tid];
mixin("inout(Storage) newStorage = { ",
Storage.memberName!T, ": value",
" };");
return newStorage;
tag = other.tag;
static if (allSatisfy!(isCopyable, Types))
/// ditto
this(ref SumType other)
storage = other.match!((ref value) {
alias T = typeof(value);
mixin("Storage newStorage = { ",
Storage.memberName!T, ": value",
" };");
return newStorage;
tag = other.tag;
@disable this(ref SumType other);
static if (allSatisfy!(isCopyable, Map!(ConstOf, Types)))
/// ditto
this(ref const(SumType) other) const
storage = other.match!((ref value) {
alias OtherTypes = Map!(ConstOf, Types);
enum tid = IndexOf!(typeof(value), OtherTypes);
alias T = Types[tid];
mixin("const(Storage) newStorage = { ",
Storage.memberName!T, ": value",
" };");
return newStorage;
tag = other.tag;
@disable this(ref const(SumType) other) const;
static if (allSatisfy!(isCopyable, Map!(ImmutableOf, Types)))
/// ditto
this(ref immutable(SumType) other) immutable
storage = other.match!((ref value) {
alias OtherTypes = Map!(ImmutableOf, Types);
enum tid = IndexOf!(typeof(value), OtherTypes);
alias T = Types[tid];
mixin("immutable(Storage) newStorage = { ",
Storage.memberName!T, ": value",
" };");
return newStorage;
tag = other.tag;
@disable this(ref immutable(SumType) other) immutable;
version (SumTypeNoDefaultCtor)
@disable this();
// Workaround for
version (StdDdoc)
// Dummy type to stand in for loop variable
private struct T;
* Assigns a value to a `SumType`.
* If any of the `SumType`'s members other than the one being assigned
* to contain pointers or references, it is possible for the assignment
* to cause memory corruption (see the
* ["Memory corruption" example](#memory-corruption) below for an
* illustration of how). Therefore, such assignments are considered
* `@system`.
* An individual assignment can be `@trusted` if the caller can
* guarantee that there are no outstanding references to any `SumType`
* members that contain pointers or references at the time the
* assignment occurs.
* Examples:
* $(DIVID memory-corruption, $(H3 Memory corruption))
* This example shows how assignment to a `SumType` can be used to
* cause memory corruption in `@system` code. In `@safe` code, the
* assignment `s = 123` would not be allowed.
* ---
* SumType!(int*, int) s = new int;
* s.tryMatch!(
* (ref int* p) {
* s = 123; // overwrites `p`
* return *p; // undefined behavior
* }
* );
* ---
ref SumType opAssign(T rhs);
static foreach (tid, T; Types)
static if (isAssignableTo!T)
* Assigns a value to a `SumType`.
* If any of the `SumType`'s members other than the one being assigned
* to contain pointers or references, it is possible for the assignment
* to cause memory corruption (see the
* ["Memory corruption" example](#memory-corruption) below for an
* illustration of how). Therefore, such assignments are considered
* `@system`.
* An individual assignment can be `@trusted` if the caller can
* guarantee that there are no outstanding references to any `SumType`
* members that contain pointers or references at the time the
* assignment occurs.
* Examples:
* $(DIVID memory-corruption, $(H3 Memory corruption))
* This example shows how assignment to a `SumType` can be used to
* cause memory corruption in `@system` code. In `@safe` code, the
* assignment `s = 123` would not be allowed.
* ---
* SumType!(int*, int) s = new int;
* s.tryMatch!(
* (ref int* p) {
* s = 123; // overwrites `p`
* return *p; // undefined behavior
* }
* );
* ---
ref SumType opAssign(T rhs)
import core.lifetime : forward;
import std.traits : hasIndirections, hasNested;
import std.meta : AliasSeq, Or = templateOr;
alias OtherTypes =
AliasSeq!(Types[0 .. tid], Types[tid + 1 .. $]);
enum unsafeToOverwrite =
anySatisfy!(Or!(hasIndirections, hasNested), OtherTypes);
static if (unsafeToOverwrite)
cast(void) () @system {}();
static if (isCopyable!T)
// Workaround for
mixin("Storage newStorage = { ",
Storage.memberName!T, ": __ctfe ? rhs : forward!rhs",
" };");
mixin("Storage newStorage = { ",
Storage.memberName!T, ": forward!rhs",
" };");
storage = newStorage;
tag = tid;
return this;
static if (allSatisfy!(isAssignableTo, Types))
static if (allSatisfy!(isCopyable, Types))
* Copies the value from another `SumType` into this one.
* See the value-assignment overload for details on `@safe`ty.
* Copy assignment is `@disable`d if any of `Types` is non-copyable.
ref SumType opAssign(ref SumType rhs)
rhs.match!((ref value) { this = value; });
return this;
@disable ref SumType opAssign(ref SumType rhs);
* Moves the value from another `SumType` into this one.
* See the value-assignment overload for details on `@safe`ty.
ref SumType opAssign(SumType rhs)
import core.lifetime : move;
rhs.match!((ref value) {
static if (isCopyable!(typeof(value)))
// Workaround for
this = __ctfe ? value : move(value);
this = move(value);
return this;
* Compares two `SumType`s for equality.
* Two `SumType`s are equal if they are the same kind of `SumType`, they
* contain values of the same type, and those values are equal.
bool opEquals(this This, Rhs)(auto ref Rhs rhs)
if (!is(CommonType!(This, Rhs) == void))
static if (is(This == Rhs))
return AliasSeq!(this, rhs).match!((ref value, ref rhsValue) {
static if (is(typeof(value) == typeof(rhsValue)))
return value == rhsValue;
return false;
alias CommonSumType = CommonType!(This, Rhs);
return cast(CommonSumType) this == cast(CommonSumType) rhs;
// Workaround for
static if (__traits(compiles, anySatisfy!(hasElaborateDestructor, Types)))
// If possible, include the destructor only when it's needed
private enum includeDtor = anySatisfy!(hasElaborateDestructor, Types);
// If we can't tell, always include it, even when it does nothing
private enum includeDtor = true;
static if (includeDtor)
/// Calls the destructor of the `SumType`'s current value.
// Workaround for
version (StdDdoc)
* Returns a string representation of the `SumType`'s current value.
* Not available when compiled with `-betterC`.
string toString(this This)();
* Handles formatted writing of the `SumType`'s current value.
* Not available when compiled with `-betterC`.
* Params:
* sink = Output range to write to.
* fmt = Format specifier to use.
* See_Also: $(REF formatValue, std,format)
void toString(this This, Sink, Char)(ref Sink sink, const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt);
version (D_BetterC) {} else
* Returns a string representation of the `SumType`'s current value.
* Not available when compiled with `-betterC`.
string toString(this This)()
import std.conv : to;
return this.match!(to!string);
version (D_BetterC) {} else
* Handles formatted writing of the `SumType`'s current value.
* Not available when compiled with `-betterC`.
* Params:
* sink = Output range to write to.
* fmt = Format specifier to use.
* See_Also: $(REF formatValue, std,format)
void toString(this This, Sink, Char)(ref Sink sink, const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt)
import std.format.write : formatValue;
this.match!((ref value) {
formatValue(sink, value, fmt);
static if (allSatisfy!(isHashable, Map!(ConstOf, Types)))
// Workaround for
version (StdDdoc)
* Returns the hash of the `SumType`'s current value.
* Not available when compiled with `-betterC`.
size_t toHash() const;
// Workaround for
version (D_BetterC) {} else
* Returns the hash of the `SumType`'s current value.
* Not available when compiled with `-betterC`.
size_t toHash() const
return this.match!hashOf;
// Construction
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum x = MySum(42);
MySum y = MySum(3.14);
// Assignment
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum x = MySum(42);
x = 3.14;
// Self assignment
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum x = MySum(42);
MySum y = MySum(3.14);
y = x;
// Equality
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
assert(MySum(123) == MySum(123));
assert(MySum(123) != MySum(456));
assert(MySum(123) != MySum(123.0));
assert(MySum(123) != MySum(456.0));
// Equality of differently-qualified SumTypes
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of dynamic arrays
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
alias SumA = SumType!(int, float);
alias SumB = SumType!(const(int[]), int[]);
alias SumC = SumType!(int[], const(int[]));
int[] ma = [1, 2, 3];
const(int[]) ca = [1, 2, 3];
assert(const(SumA)(123) == SumA(123));
assert(const(SumB)(ma[]) == SumB(ca[]));
assert(const(SumC)(ma[]) == SumC(ca[]));
// Imported types
@safe unittest
import std.typecons : Tuple;
alias MySum = SumType!(Tuple!(int, int));
// const and immutable types
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(const(int[]), immutable(float[]));
// Recursive types
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(This*);
assert(is(MySum.Types[0] == MySum*));
// Allowed types
@safe unittest
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float, This*);
assert(is(MySum.Types == AliasSeq!(int, float, MySum*)));
// Types with destructors and postblits
@system unittest
int copies;
static struct Test
bool initialized = false;
int* copiesPtr;
this(this) { (*copiesPtr)++; }
~this() { if (initialized) (*copiesPtr)--; }
alias MySum = SumType!(int, Test);
Test t = Test(true, &copies);
MySum x = t;
assert(copies == 1);
assert(copies == 0);
MySum x = 456;
assert(copies == 0);
assert(copies == 0);
MySum x = t;
assert(copies == 1);
x = 456;
assert(copies == 0);
MySum x = 456;
assert(copies == 0);
x = t;
assert(copies == 1);
MySum x = t;
MySum y = x;
assert(copies == 2);
MySum x = t;
MySum y;
y = x;
assert(copies == 2);
// Doesn't destroy reference types
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of classes
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@system unittest
bool destroyed;
class C
destroyed = true;
struct S
~this() {}
alias MySum = SumType!(S, C);
C c = new C();
MySum x = c;
destroyed = false;
MySum x = c;
destroyed = false;
x = S();
// Types with @disable this()
@safe unittest
static struct NoInit
@disable this();
alias MySum = SumType!(NoInit, int);
assert(!__traits(compiles, MySum()));
auto _ = MySum(42);
// const SumTypes
version (D_BetterC) {} else // not @nogc,
@safe unittest
auto _ = const(SumType!(int[]))([1, 2, 3]);
// Equality of const SumTypes
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!int;
auto _ = const(MySum)(123) == const(MySum)(456);
// Compares reference types using value equality
@safe unittest
import std.array : staticArray;
static struct Field {}
static struct Struct { Field[] fields; }
alias MySum = SumType!Struct;
static arr1 = staticArray([Field()]);
static arr2 = staticArray([Field()]);
auto a = MySum(Struct(arr1[]));
auto b = MySum(Struct(arr2[]));
assert(a == b);
// toString
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of std.conv.text
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
import std.conv : text;
static struct Int { int i; }
static struct Double { double d; }
alias Sum = SumType!(Int, Double);
assert(Sum(Int(42)).text == Int(42).text, Sum(Int(42)).text);
assert(Sum(Double(33.3)).text == Double(33.3).text, Sum(Double(33.3)).text);
assert((const(Sum)(Int(42))).text == (const(Int)(42)).text, (const(Sum)(Int(42))).text);
// string formatting
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of std.format.format
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
import std.format : format;
SumType!int x = 123;
assert(format!"%s"(x) == format!"%s"(123));
assert(format!"%x"(x) == format!"%x"(123));
// string formatting of qualified SumTypes
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of std.format.format and dynamic arrays
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
import std.format : format;
int[] a = [1, 2, 3];
const(SumType!(int[])) x = a;
assert(format!"%(%d, %)"(x) == format!"%(%s, %)"(a));
// Github issue #16
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of dynamic arrays
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
alias Node = SumType!(This[], string);
// override inference of @system attribute for cyclic functions
assert((() @trusted =>
// Github issue #16 with const
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of dynamic arrays
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
alias Node = SumType!(const(This)[], string);
// override inference of @system attribute for cyclic functions
assert((() @trusted =>
// Stale pointers
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of dynamic arrays
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@system unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(ubyte, void*[2]);
MySum x = [null, cast(void*) 0x12345678];
void** p = &x.get!(void*[2])[1];
x = ubyte(123);
assert(*p != cast(void*) 0x12345678);
// Exception-safe assignment
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of exceptions
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
static struct A
int value = 123;
static struct B
int value = 456;
this(this) { throw new Exception("oops"); }
alias MySum = SumType!(A, B);
MySum x;
x = B();
catch (Exception e) {}
(x.tag == 0 && x.get!A.value == 123) ||
(x.tag == 1 && x.get!B.value == 456)
// Types with @disable this(this)
@safe unittest
import core.lifetime : move;
static struct NoCopy
@disable this(this);
alias MySum = SumType!NoCopy;
NoCopy lval = NoCopy();
MySum x = NoCopy();
MySum y = NoCopy();
assert(!__traits(compiles, SumType!NoCopy(lval)));
y = NoCopy();
y = move(x);
assert(!__traits(compiles, y = lval));
assert(!__traits(compiles, y = x));
bool b = x == y;
// Github issue #22
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of std.typecons.Nullable
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
import std.typecons;
static struct A
SumType!(Nullable!int) a = Nullable!int.init;
// Static arrays of structs with postblits
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of dynamic arrays
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
static struct S
int n;
this(this) { n++; }
SumType!(S[1]) x = [S(0)];
SumType!(S[1]) y = x;
auto xval = x.get!(S[1])[0].n;
auto yval = y.get!(S[1])[0].n;
assert(xval != yval);
// Replacement does not happen inside SumType
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of associative arrays
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
import std.typecons : Tuple, ReplaceTypeUnless;
alias A = Tuple!(This*,SumType!(This*))[SumType!(This*,string)[This]];
alias TR = ReplaceTypeUnless!(isSumTypeInstance, This, int, A);
static assert(is(TR == Tuple!(int*,SumType!(This*))[SumType!(This*, string)[int]]));
// Supports nested self-referential SumTypes
@safe unittest
import std.typecons : Tuple, Flag;
alias Nat = SumType!(Flag!"0", Tuple!(This*));
alias Inner = SumType!Nat;
alias Outer = SumType!(Nat*, Tuple!(This*, This*));
// Self-referential SumTypes inside Algebraic
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of std.variant.Algebraic
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
import std.variant : Algebraic;
alias T = Algebraic!(SumType!(This*));
assert(is(T.AllowedTypes[0].Types[0] == T.AllowedTypes[0]*));
// Doesn't call @system postblits in @safe code
@safe unittest
static struct SystemCopy { @system this(this) {} }
SystemCopy original;
assert(!__traits(compiles, () @safe
SumType!SystemCopy copy = original;
assert(!__traits(compiles, () @safe
SumType!SystemCopy copy; copy = original;
// Doesn't overwrite pointers in @safe code
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int*, int);
MySum x;
assert(!__traits(compiles, () @safe
x = 123;
assert(!__traits(compiles, () @safe
x = MySum(123);
// Calls value postblit on self-assignment
@safe unittest
static struct S
int n;
this(this) { n++; }
SumType!S x = S();
SumType!S y;
y = x;
auto xval = x.get!S.n;
auto yval = y.get!S.n;
assert(xval != yval);
// Github issue #29
@safe unittest
alias A = SumType!string;
@safe A createA(string arg)
return A(arg);
@safe void test()
A a = createA("");
// SumTypes as associative array keys
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of associative arrays
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
int[SumType!(int, string)] aa;
// toString with non-copyable types
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of (in toString)
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
struct NoCopy
@disable this(this);
SumType!NoCopy x;
auto _ = x.toString();
// Can use the result of assignment
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum a = MySum(123);
MySum b = MySum(3.14);
assert((a = b) == b);
assert((a = MySum(123)) == MySum(123));
assert((a = 3.14) == MySum(3.14));
assert(((a = b) = MySum(123)) == MySum(123));
// Types with copy constructors
@safe unittest
static struct S
int n;
this(ref return scope inout S other) inout
n = other.n + 1;
SumType!S x = S();
SumType!S y = x;
auto xval = x.get!S.n;
auto yval = y.get!S.n;
assert(xval != yval);
// Copyable by generated copy constructors
@safe unittest
static struct Inner
ref this(ref inout Inner other) {}
static struct Outer
SumType!Inner inner;
Outer x;
Outer y = x;
// Types with qualified copy constructors
@safe unittest
static struct ConstCopy
int n;
this(inout int n) inout { this.n = n; }
this(ref const typeof(this) other) const { this.n = other.n; }
static struct ImmutableCopy
int n;
this(inout int n) inout { this.n = n; }
this(ref immutable typeof(this) other) immutable { this.n = other.n; }
const SumType!ConstCopy x = const(ConstCopy)(1);
immutable SumType!ImmutableCopy y = immutable(ImmutableCopy)(1);
// Types with disabled opEquals
@safe unittest
static struct S
@disable bool opEquals(const S rhs) const;
auto _ = SumType!S(S());
// Types with non-const opEquals
@safe unittest
static struct S
int i;
bool opEquals(S rhs) { return i == rhs.i; }
auto _ = SumType!S(S(123));
// Incomparability of different SumTypes
@safe unittest
SumType!(int, string) x = 123;
SumType!(string, int) y = 123;
assert(!__traits(compiles, x != y));
// Self-reference in return/parameter type of function pointer member
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of delegates
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
alias T = SumType!(int, This delegate(This));
// Construction and assignment from implicitly-convertible lvalue
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!bool;
const(bool) b = true;
MySum x = b;
MySum y; y = b;
// @safe assignment to the only pointer type in a SumType
@safe unittest
SumType!(string, int) sm = 123;
sm = "this should be @safe";
// Pointers to local variables
@safe unittest
int n = 123;
immutable int ni = 456;
SumType!(int*) s = &n;
const SumType!(int*) sc = &n;
immutable SumType!(int*) si = &ni;
// Immutable member type with copy constructor
@safe unittest
static struct CopyConstruct
this(ref inout CopyConstruct other) inout {}
static immutable struct Value
CopyConstruct c;
SumType!Value s;
// Construction of inout-qualified SumTypes
@safe unittest
static inout(SumType!(int[])) example(inout(int[]) arr)
return inout(SumType!(int[]))(arr);
// Assignment of struct with overloaded opAssign in CTFE
@safe unittest
static struct HasOpAssign
void opAssign(HasOpAssign rhs) {}
static SumType!HasOpAssign test()
SumType!HasOpAssign s;
// Test both overloads
s = HasOpAssign();
s = SumType!HasOpAssign();
return s;
// Force CTFE
enum result = test();
/// True if `T` is an instance of the `SumType` template, otherwise false.
private enum bool isSumTypeInstance(T) = is(T == SumType!Args, Args...);
@safe unittest
static struct Wrapper
SumType!int s;
alias s this;
/// True if `T` is a [SumType] or implicitly converts to one, otherwise false.
enum bool isSumType(T) = is(T : SumType!Args, Args...);
@safe unittest
static struct ConvertsToSumType
SumType!int payload;
alias payload this;
static struct ContainsSumType
SumType!int payload;
* Calls a type-appropriate function with the value held in a [SumType].
* For each possible type the [SumType] can hold, the given handlers are
* checked, in order, to see whether they accept a single argument of that type.
* The first one that does is chosen as the match for that type. (Note that the
* first match may not always be the most exact match.
* See ["Avoiding unintentional matches"](#avoiding-unintentional-matches) for
* one common pitfall.)
* Every type must have a matching handler, and every handler must match at
* least one type. This is enforced at compile time.
* Handlers may be functions, delegates, or objects with `opCall` overloads. If
* a function with more than one overload is given as a handler, all of the
* overloads are considered as potential matches.
* Templated handlers are also accepted, and will match any type for which they
* can be [implicitly instantiated]( See
* ["Introspection-based matching"](#introspection-based-matching) for an
* example of templated handler usage.
* If multiple [SumType]s are passed to match, their values are passed to the
* handlers as separate arguments, and matching is done for each possible
* combination of value types. See ["Multiple dispatch"](#multiple-dispatch) for
* an example.
* Returns:
* The value returned from the handler that matches the currently-held type.
* See_Also: $(REF visit, std,variant)
template match(handlers...)
import std.typecons : Yes;
* The actual `match` function.
* Params:
* args = One or more [SumType] objects.
auto ref match(SumTypes...)(auto ref SumTypes args)
if (allSatisfy!(isSumType, SumTypes) && args.length > 0)
return matchImpl!(Yes.exhaustive, handlers)(args);
/** $(DIVID avoiding-unintentional-matches, $(H3 Avoiding unintentional matches))
* Sometimes, implicit conversions may cause a handler to match more types than
* intended. The example below shows two solutions to this problem.
@safe unittest
alias Number = SumType!(double, int);
Number x;
// Problem: because int implicitly converts to double, the double
// handler is used for both types, and the int handler never matches.
(double d) => "got double",
(int n) => "got int"
// Solution 1: put the handler for the "more specialized" type (in this
// case, int) before the handler for the type it converts to.
(int n) => "got int",
(double d) => "got double"
// Solution 2: use a template that only accepts the exact type it's
// supposed to match, instead of any type that implicitly converts to it.
alias exactly(T, alias fun) = function (arg)
static assert(is(typeof(arg) == T));
return fun(arg);
// Now, even if we put the double handler first, it will only be used for
// doubles, not ints.
exactly!(double, d => "got double"),
exactly!(int, n => "got int")
/** $(DIVID multiple-dispatch, $(H3 Multiple dispatch))
* Pattern matching can be performed on multiple `SumType`s at once by passing
* handlers with multiple arguments. This usually leads to more concise code
* than using nested calls to `match`, as show below.
@safe unittest
struct Point2D { double x, y; }
struct Point3D { double x, y, z; }
alias Point = SumType!(Point2D, Point3D);
version (none)
// This function works, but the code is ugly and repetitive.
// It uses three separate calls to match!
@safe pure nothrow @nogc
bool sameDimensions(Point p1, Point p2)
return p1.match!(
(Point2D _) => p2.match!(
(Point2D _) => true,
_ => false
(Point3D _) => p2.match!(
(Point3D _) => true,
_ => false
// This version is much nicer.
@safe pure nothrow @nogc
bool sameDimensions(Point p1, Point p2)
alias doMatch = match!(
(Point2D _1, Point2D _2) => true,
(Point3D _1, Point3D _2) => true,
(_1, _2) => false
return doMatch(p1, p2);
Point a = Point2D(1, 2);
Point b = Point2D(3, 4);
Point c = Point3D(5, 6, 7);
Point d = Point3D(8, 9, 0);
assert( sameDimensions(a, b));
assert( sameDimensions(c, d));
assert(!sameDimensions(a, c));
assert(!sameDimensions(d, b));
* Attempts to call a type-appropriate function with the value held in a
* [SumType], and throws on failure.
* Matches are chosen using the same rules as [match], but are not required to
* be exhaustive—in other words, a type (or combination of types) is allowed to
* have no matching handler. If a type without a handler is encountered at
* runtime, a [MatchException] is thrown.
* Not available when compiled with `-betterC`.
* Returns:
* The value returned from the handler that matches the currently-held type,
* if a handler was given for that type.
* Throws:
* [MatchException], if the currently-held type has no matching handler.
* See_Also: $(REF tryVisit, std,variant)
version (D_Exceptions)
template tryMatch(handlers...)
import std.typecons : No;
* The actual `tryMatch` function.
* Params:
* args = One or more [SumType] objects.
auto ref tryMatch(SumTypes...)(auto ref SumTypes args)
if (allSatisfy!(isSumType, SumTypes) && args.length > 0)
return matchImpl!(No.exhaustive, handlers)(args);
* Thrown by [tryMatch] when an unhandled type is encountered.
* Not available when compiled with `-betterC`.
version (D_Exceptions)
class MatchException : Exception
pure @safe @nogc nothrow
this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
super(msg, file, line);
* True if `handler` is a potential match for `Ts`, otherwise false.
* See the documentation for [match] for a full explanation of how matches are
* chosen.
template canMatch(alias handler, Ts...)
if (Ts.length > 0)
enum canMatch = is(typeof((ref Ts args) => handler(args)));
@safe unittest
alias handleInt = (int i) => "got an int";
assert( canMatch!(handleInt, int));
assert(!canMatch!(handleInt, string));
// Includes all overloads of the given handler
@safe unittest
static struct OverloadSet
static void fun(int n) {}
static void fun(double d) {}
assert(canMatch!(, int));
assert(canMatch!(, double));
// Like aliasSeqOf!(iota(n)), but works in BetterC
private template Iota(size_t n)
static if (n == 0)
alias Iota = AliasSeq!();
alias Iota = AliasSeq!(Iota!(n - 1), n - 1);
@safe unittest
assert(is(Iota!0 == AliasSeq!()));
assert(Iota!1 == AliasSeq!(0));
assert(Iota!3 == AliasSeq!(0, 1, 2));
/* The number that the dim-th argument's tag is multiplied by when
* converting TagTuples to and from case indices ("caseIds").
* Named by analogy to the stride that the dim-th index into a
* multidimensional static array is multiplied by to calculate the
* offset of a specific element.
private size_t stride(size_t dim, lengths...)()
import core.checkedint : mulu;
size_t result = 1;
bool overflow = false;
static foreach (i; 0 .. dim)
result = mulu(result, lengths[i], overflow);
/* The largest number matchImpl uses, numCases, is calculated with
* stride!(SumTypes.length), so as long as this overflow check
* passes, we don't need to check for overflow anywhere else.
assert(!overflow, "Integer overflow");
return result;
private template matchImpl(Flag!"exhaustive" exhaustive, handlers...)
auto ref matchImpl(SumTypes...)(auto ref SumTypes args)
if (allSatisfy!(isSumType, SumTypes) && args.length > 0)
alias stride(size_t i) = .stride!(i, Map!(typeCount, SumTypes));
alias TagTuple = .TagTuple!(SumTypes);
* A list of arguments to be passed to a handler needed for the case
* labeled with `caseId`.
template handlerArgs(size_t caseId)
enum tags = TagTuple.fromCaseId(caseId);
enum argsFrom(size_t i : tags.length) = "";
enum argsFrom(size_t i) = "args[" ~ toCtString!i ~ "].get!(SumTypes[" ~ toCtString!i ~ "]" ~
".Types[" ~ toCtString!(tags[i]) ~ "])(), " ~ argsFrom!(i + 1);
enum handlerArgs = argsFrom!0;
/* An AliasSeq of the types of the member values in the argument list
* returned by `handlerArgs!caseId`.
* Note that these are the actual (that is, qualified) types of the
* member values, which may not be the same as the types listed in
* the arguments' `.Types` properties.
template valueTypes(size_t caseId)
enum tags = TagTuple.fromCaseId(caseId);
template getType(size_t i)
enum tid = tags[i];
alias T = SumTypes[i].Types[tid];
alias getType = typeof(args[i].get!T());
alias valueTypes = Map!(getType, Iota!(tags.length));
/* The total number of cases is
* Π SumTypes[i].Types.length for 0 ≤ i < SumTypes.length
* Or, equivalently,
* ubyte[SumTypes[0].Types.length]...[SumTypes[$-1].Types.length].sizeof
* Conveniently, this is equal to stride!(SumTypes.length), so we can
* use that function to compute it.
enum numCases = stride!(SumTypes.length);
/* Guaranteed to never be a valid handler index, since
* handlers.length <= size_t.max.
enum noMatch = size_t.max;
// An array that maps caseIds to handler indices ("hids").
enum matches = ()
size_t[numCases] matches;
// Workaround for
foreach (ref match; matches)
match = noMatch;
static foreach (caseId; 0 .. numCases)
static foreach (hid, handler; handlers)
static if (canMatch!(handler, valueTypes!caseId))
if (matches[caseId] == noMatch)
matches[caseId] = hid;
return matches;
import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
// Check for unreachable handlers
static foreach (hid, handler; handlers)
static assert(matches[].canFind(hid),
"`handlers[" ~ toCtString!hid ~ "]` " ~
"of type `" ~ ( __traits(isTemplate, handler)
? "template"
: typeof(handler).stringof
) ~ "` " ~
"never matches"
// Workaround for
enum handlerName(size_t hid) = "handler" ~ toCtString!hid;
static foreach (size_t hid, handler; handlers)
mixin("alias ", handlerName!hid, " = handler;");
immutable argsId = TagTuple(args).toCaseId;
final switch (argsId)
static foreach (caseId; 0 .. numCases)
case caseId:
static if (matches[caseId] != noMatch)
return mixin(handlerName!(matches[caseId]), "(", handlerArgs!caseId, ")");
static if (exhaustive)
static assert(false,
"No matching handler for types `" ~ valueTypes!caseId.stringof ~ "`");
throw new MatchException(
"No matching handler for types `" ~ valueTypes!caseId.stringof ~ "`");
assert(false, "unreachable");
private enum typeCount(SumType) = SumType.Types.length;
/* A TagTuple represents a single possible set of tags that `args`
* could have at runtime.
* Because D does not allow a struct to be the controlling expression
* of a switch statement, we cannot dispatch on the TagTuple directly.
* Instead, we must map each TagTuple to a unique integer and generate
* a case label for each of those integers.
* This mapping is implemented in `fromCaseId` and `toCaseId`. It uses
* the same technique that's used to map index tuples to memory offsets
* in a multidimensional static array.
* For example, when `args` consists of two SumTypes with two member
* types each, the TagTuples corresponding to each case label are:
* case 0: TagTuple([0, 0])
* case 1: TagTuple([1, 0])
* case 2: TagTuple([0, 1])
* case 3: TagTuple([1, 1])
* When there is only one argument, the caseId is equal to that
* argument's tag.
private struct TagTuple(SumTypes...)
size_t[SumTypes.length] tags;
alias tags this;
alias stride(size_t i) = .stride!(i, Map!(typeCount, SumTypes));
static foreach (i; 0 .. tags.length)
assert(tags[i] < SumTypes[i].Types.length, "Invalid tag");
this(ref const(SumTypes) args)
static foreach (i; 0 .. tags.length)
tags[i] = args[i].tag;
static TagTuple fromCaseId(size_t caseId)
TagTuple result;
// Most-significant to least-significant
static foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. result.length)
result[i] = caseId / stride!i;
caseId %= stride!i;
return result;
size_t toCaseId()
size_t result;
static foreach (i; 0 .. tags.length)
result += tags[i] * stride!i;
return result;
// Matching
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum x = MySum(42);
MySum y = MySum(3.14);
assert(x.match!((int v) => true, (float v) => false));
assert(y.match!((int v) => false, (float v) => true));
// Missing handlers
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum x = MySum(42);
assert(!__traits(compiles, x.match!((int x) => true)));
assert(!__traits(compiles, x.match!()));
// Handlers with qualified parameters
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of dynamic arrays
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int[], float[]);
MySum x = MySum([1, 2, 3]);
MySum y = MySum([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
assert(x.match!((const(int[]) v) => true, (const(float[]) v) => false));
assert(y.match!((const(int[]) v) => false, (const(float[]) v) => true));
// Handlers for qualified types
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of dynamic arrays
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(immutable(int[]), immutable(float[]));
MySum x = MySum([1, 2, 3]);
assert(x.match!((immutable(int[]) v) => true, (immutable(float[]) v) => false));
assert(x.match!((const(int[]) v) => true, (const(float[]) v) => false));
// Tail-qualified parameters
assert(x.match!((immutable(int)[] v) => true, (immutable(float)[] v) => false));
assert(x.match!((const(int)[] v) => true, (const(float)[] v) => false));
// Generic parameters
assert(x.match!((immutable v) => true));
assert(x.match!((const v) => true));
// Unqualified parameters
x.match!((int[] v) => true, (float[] v) => false)
// Delegate handlers
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of closures
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
int answer = 42;
MySum x = MySum(42);
MySum y = MySum(3.14);
assert(x.match!((int v) => v == answer, (float v) => v == answer));
assert(!y.match!((int v) => v == answer, (float v) => v == answer));
version (unittest)
version (D_BetterC)
// std.math.isClose depends on core.runtime.math, so use a
// libc-based version for testing with -betterC
@safe pure @nogc nothrow
private bool isClose(double lhs, double rhs)
import core.stdc.math : fabs;
return fabs(lhs - rhs) < 1e-5;
import std.math.operations : isClose;
// Generic handler
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum x = MySum(42);
MySum y = MySum(3.14);
assert(x.match!(v => v*2) == 84);
assert(y.match!(v => v*2).isClose(6.28));
// Fallback to generic handler
// Disabled in BetterC due to use of
version (D_BetterC) {} else
@safe unittest
import std.conv : to;
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float, string);
MySum x = MySum(42);
MySum y = MySum("42");
assert(x.match!((string v) =>!int, v => v*2) == 84);
assert(y.match!((string v) =>!int, v => v*2) == 42);
// Multiple non-overlapping generic handlers
@safe unittest
import std.array : staticArray;
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float, int[], char[]);
static ints = staticArray([1, 2, 3]);
static chars = staticArray(['a', 'b', 'c']);
MySum x = MySum(42);
MySum y = MySum(3.14);
MySum z = MySum(ints[]);
MySum w = MySum(chars[]);
assert(x.match!(v => v*2, v => v.length) == 84);
assert(y.match!(v => v*2, v => v.length).isClose(6.28));
assert(w.match!(v => v*2, v => v.length) == 3);
assert(z.match!(v => v*2, v => v.length) == 3);
// Structural matching
@safe unittest
static struct S1 { int x; }
static struct S2 { int y; }
alias MySum = SumType!(S1, S2);
MySum a = MySum(S1(0));
MySum b = MySum(S2(0));
assert(a.match!(s1 => s1.x + 1, s2 => s2.y - 1) == 1);
assert(b.match!(s1 => s1.x + 1, s2 => s2.y - 1) == -1);
// Separate opCall handlers
@safe unittest
static struct IntHandler
bool opCall(int arg)
return true;
static struct FloatHandler
bool opCall(float arg)
return false;
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum x = MySum(42);
MySum y = MySum(3.14);
assert(x.match!(IntHandler.init, FloatHandler.init));
assert(!y.match!(IntHandler.init, FloatHandler.init));
// Compound opCall handler
@safe unittest
static struct CompoundHandler
bool opCall(int arg)
return true;
bool opCall(float arg)
return false;
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum x = MySum(42);
MySum y = MySum(3.14);
// Ordered matching
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum x = MySum(42);
assert(x.match!((int v) => true, v => false));
// Non-exhaustive matching
version (D_Exceptions)
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
alias MySum = SumType!(int, float);
MySum x = MySum(42);
MySum y = MySum(3.14);
assertNotThrown!MatchException(x.tryMatch!((int n) => true));
assertThrown!MatchException(y.tryMatch!((int n) => true));
// Non-exhaustive matching in @safe code
version (D_Exceptions)
@safe unittest
SumType!(int, float) x;
auto _ = x.tryMatch!(
(int n) => n + 1,
// Handlers with ref parameters
@safe unittest
alias Value = SumType!(long, double);
auto value = Value(3.14);
(long) {},
(ref double d) { d *= 2; }
// Unreachable handlers
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, string);
MySum s;
(int _) => 0,
(string _) => 1,
(double _) => 2
_ => 0,
(int _) => 1
// Unsafe handlers
@system unittest
SumType!int x;
alias unsafeHandler = (int x) @system { return; };
assert(!__traits(compiles, () @safe
auto test() @system
return x.match!unsafeHandler;
// Overloaded handlers
@safe unittest
static struct OverloadSet
static string fun(int i) { return "int"; }
static string fun(double d) { return "double"; }
alias MySum = SumType!(int, double);
MySum a = 42;
MySum b = 3.14;
assert(a.match!( == "int");
assert(b.match!( == "double");
// Overload sets that include SumType arguments
@safe unittest
alias Inner = SumType!(int, double);
alias Outer = SumType!(Inner, string);
static struct OverloadSet
static string fun(int i) { return "int"; }
static string fun(double d) { return "double"; }
static string fun(string s) { return "string"; }
static string fun(Inner i) { return i.match!fun; }
static string fun(Outer o) { return o.match!fun; }
Outer a = Inner(42);
Outer b = Inner(3.14);
Outer c = "foo";
assert( == "int");
assert( == "double");
assert( == "string");
// Overload sets with ref arguments
@safe unittest
static struct OverloadSet
static void fun(ref int i) { i = 42; }
static void fun(ref double d) { d = 3.14; }
alias MySum = SumType!(int, double);
MySum x = 0;
MySum y = 0.0;
assert(x.match!((value) => is(typeof(value) == int) && value == 42));
assert(y.match!((value) => is(typeof(value) == double) && value == 3.14));
// Overload sets with templates
@safe unittest
import std.traits : isNumeric;
static struct OverloadSet
static string fun(string arg)
return "string";
static string fun(T)(T arg)
if (isNumeric!T)
return "numeric";
alias MySum = SumType!(int, string);
MySum x = 123;
MySum y = "hello";
assert(x.match!( == "numeric");
assert(y.match!( == "string");
// Github issue #24
@safe unittest
void test() @nogc
int acc = 0;
SumType!int(1).match!((int x) => acc += x);
// Github issue #31
@safe unittest
void test() @nogc
int acc = 0;
SumType!(int, string)(1).match!(
(int x) => acc += x,
(string _) => 0,
// Types that `alias this` a SumType
@safe unittest
static struct A {}
static struct B {}
static struct D { SumType!(A, B) value; alias value this; }
auto _ = D().match!(_ => true);
// Multiple dispatch
@safe unittest
alias MySum = SumType!(int, string);
static int fun(MySum x, MySum y)
import std.meta : Args = AliasSeq;
return Args!(x, y).match!(
(int xv, int yv) => 0,
(string xv, int yv) => 1,
(int xv, string yv) => 2,
(string xv, string yv) => 3
assert(fun(MySum(0), MySum(0)) == 0);
assert(fun(MySum(""), MySum(0)) == 1);
assert(fun(MySum(0), MySum("")) == 2);
assert(fun(MySum(""), MySum("")) == 3);
// inout SumTypes
@safe unittest
inout(int[]) fun(inout(SumType!(int[])) x)
return x.match!((inout(int[]) a) => a);
// return ref
// issue:
@safe unittest
static assert(!__traits(compiles, () {
SumType!(int, string) st;
return st.match!(
function int* (string x) => assert(0),
function int* (return ref int i) => &i,
SumType!(int, string) st;
static assert(__traits(compiles, () {
return st.match!(
function int* (string x) => null,
function int* (return ref int i) => &i,
private void destroyIfOwner(T)(ref T value)
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)