blob: eb6dbcd60572b6c9df8de6254a9bdaa062ab64c2 [file] [log] [blame]
# C++ API data.
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GCC.
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING3. If not see
# <>.
# This file can be processed with to create the
# export list for the standard C++ library module and the tables for
# suggesting actions on missing symbols in the std:: namespace.
# The generated code is integral part of the C++ frontend but the
# content of this file is consists of information solely in the
# domain of the libstdc++ maintainers. Therefore ownership of
# this file is shared between these two groups.
# The format of this file must match what the
# script expects.
# column value
# 1 header file, including angle brackets
# 2 symbol name without std:: prefix
# 3 nonzero if to be exported
# 4 "no" if not to be added to the hint table else the appropriate
# enum cxx_dialect value
# 5 optional, a string used after #if in a line inserted first to
# enable conditional definitions
# unimplemented <algorithm>,ranges::out_value_result,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::all_of,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::any_of,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::none_of,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::for_each,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::for_each_n,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::find,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::find_if,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::find_if_not,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::find_end,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::find_first_of,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::adjacent_find,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::count,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::count_if,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::mismatch,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::equal,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::is_permutation,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::search,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::search_n,1,no
# unimplemented <algorithm>,ranges::starts_with,1,no
# unimplemented <algorithm>,ranges::ends_with,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::copy,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::copy_n,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::copy_if,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::copy_backward,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::move,1,no
# c++/106851 <algorithm>,ranges::move_backward,1,no
# <algorithm> TODO the rest
# libstdc++/103934 <atomic>,atomic_flag_test,1,no
# libstdc++/103934 <atomic>,atomic_flag_test_explicit,1,no
# libstdc++/103934 <atomic>,atomic_flag_wait,1,no
# libstdc++/103934 <atomic>,atomic_flag_wait_explicit,1,no
# libstdc++/103934 <atomic>,atomic_flag_notify_one,1,no
# libstdc++/103934 <atomic>,atomic_flag_notify_all,1,no
# <chrono> TODO
# <codecvt> TODO
# <compare> TODO the rest
# <complex> TODO the rest
# <concepts> TODO
# c++/106851 <deque>,pmr::deque,1,no
# <exception> TODO
# <filesystem> TODO
# <flat_map>,flat_map,1,no
# <flat_map>,flat_multimap,1,no
# <flat_map>,sorted_unique_t,1,no
# <flat_map>,sorted_unique,1,no
# <flat_map>,sorted_equivalent_t,1,no
# <flat_map>,sorted_equivalent,1,no
# <flat_map>,erase_if,1,no
# <flat_map>,uses_allocator,1,no
# <flat_set>,flat_set,1,no
# <flat_set>,flat_multiset,1,no
# <flat_set>,sorted_unique_t,1,no
# <flat_set>,sorted_unique,1,no
# <flat_set>,sorted_equivalent_t,1,no
# <flat_set>,sorted_equivalent,1,no
# <flat_set>,erase_if,1,no
# <flat_set>,uses_allocator,1,no
# c++/106851 <forward_list>,pmr::forward_list,1,no
# <functional> TODO the rest
# <ios> TODO the rest
# <iosfwd> TODO ?
# <iterator> TODO the rest
# c++/106851 <list>,pmr::list,1,no
# <locale> TODO
# c++/106851 <map>,pmr::map,1,no
# c++/106851 <map>,pmr::multimap,1,no
# unimplemented <mdspan>,extents,1,no
# unimplemented <mdspan>,dextents,1,no
# unimplemented <mdspan>,layout_left,1,no
# unimplemented <mdspan>,layout_right,1,no
# unimplemented <mdspan>,layout_stride,1,no
# unimplemented <mdspan>,default_accessor,1,no
# unimplemented <mdspan>,mdspan,1,cxx23
# TODO uninitialized memory algos
# c++/106851 <memory>,ranges::construct_at,1,cxx20
# c++/106851 <memory>,ranges::destroy_at,1,cxx20
# c++/106851 <memory>,ranges::destroy,1,cxx20
# c++/106851 <memory>,ranges::destroy_n,1,cxx20
# <numeric> TODO
# <random> TODO
# <ranges> TODO the rest
<ratio>,yocto,1,no,__INTMAX_WIDTH__ > 80
<ratio>,zepto,1,no,__INTMAX_WIDTH__ > 70
<ratio>,zetta,1,no,__INTMAX_WIDTH__ > 70
<ratio>,yotta,1,no,__INTMAX_WIDTH__ > 80
# <regex> TODO
# c++/106851 <set>,pmr::set,1,no
# c++/106851 <set>,pmr::multiset,1,no
# c++/106851 <stacktrace>,pmr::stacktrace,1,no
# c++/106851 <string>,pmr::string,1,cxx17
# c++/106851 <string>,pmr::wstring,1,cxx17
# c++/106851 <string>,pmr::u8string,1,cxx20
# c++/106851 <string>,pmr::u16string,1,cxx17
# c++/106851 <string>,pmr::u32string,1,cxx17
# c++/106851 <unordered_map>,pmr::unordered_map,1,cxx17
# c++/106851 <unordered_map>,pmr::unordered_multimap,1,cxx17
# c++/106851 <unordered_set>,pmr::unordered_set,1,no
# c++/106851 <unordered_set>,pmr::unordered_multiset,1,no
# unimplemented <utility>,forward_like,1,cxx23
# <valarray> TODO
# <version> contains no exportable names
# <cassert> contains no exportable names
# <cctype> TODO
# <climits> only contains macros, handled by get_stdlib_header_for_name
# <climits>,CHAR_BIT,0,cxx98
# <climits>,SCHAR_MIN,0,cxx98
# <climits>,SCHAR_MAX,0,cxx98
# <climits>,UCHAR_MAX,0,cxx98
# <climits>,CHAR_MIN,0,cxx98
# <climits>,CHAR_MAX,0,cxx98
# <climits>,MB_LEN_MAX,0,cxx98
# <climits>,SHRT_MIN,0,cxx98
# <climits>,SHRT_MAX,0,cxx98
# <climits>,USHRT_MAX,0,cxx98
# <climits>,INT_MIN,0,cxx98
# <climits>,INT_MAX,0,cxx98
# <climits>,UINT_MAX,0,cxx98
# <climits>,LONG_MIN,0,cxx98
# <climits>,LONG_MAX,0,cxx98
# <climits>,ULONG_MAX,0,cxx98
# <climits>,LLONG_MIN,0,cxx98
# <climits>,LLONG_MAX,0,cxx11
# <climits>,ULLONG_MAX,0,cxx11
# <cmath> TODO
# <cstdio> TODO
# <cstdlib> TODO
# <cstring> TODO
# <ctime> TODO
# <cuchar> TODO
# <cwchar> TODO
# <cwctype> TODO