blob: 198088beeffa05d348cdf46b37e15296acdc01ac [file] [log] [blame]
/* m2.flex implements lexical analysis for Modula-2.
Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Gaius Mulley <>.
This file is part of GNU Modula-2.
GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see
<>. */
#include "gm2-gcc/gcc-consolidation.h"
#include "GM2Reserved.h"
#include "GM2LexBuf.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "m2options.h"
static int cpreprocessor = 0; /* Replace this with correct getter. */
#if defined(GM2USEGGC)
# include "ggc.h"
#include "timevar.h"
#define START_FILE(F,L) m2linemap_StartFile(F,L)
#define END_FILE() m2linemap_EndFile()
#define START_LINE(N,S) m2linemap_StartLine(N,S)
#define TIMEVAR_PUSH_LEX timevar_push (TV_LEX)
#define TIMEVAR_POP_LEX timevar_pop (TV_LEX)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define EXTERN extern "C"
/* m2.flex provides a lexical analyser for GNU Modula-2. */
struct lineInfo {
char *linebuf; /* line contents */
int linelen; /* length */
int tokenpos; /* start position of token within line */
int toklen; /* a copy of yylen (length of token) */
int nextpos; /* position after token */
int lineno; /* line number of this line */
int column; /* first column number of token on this line */
int inuse; /* do we need to keep this line info? */
location_t location; /* the corresponding gcc location_t */
struct lineInfo *next;
struct functionInfo {
char *name; /* function name */
int module; /* is it really a module? */
struct functionInfo *next; /* list of nested functions */
static int lineno =1; /* a running count of the file line number */
static char *filename =NULL;
static int commentLevel=0;
static int commentCLevel=0;
static struct lineInfo *currentLine=NULL;
static struct functionInfo *currentFunction=NULL;
static int seenFunctionStart=FALSE;
static int seenEnd=FALSE;
static int seenModuleStart=FALSE;
static int isDefinitionModule=FALSE;
static int totalLines=0;
static void pushLine (void);
static void popLine (void);
static void finishedLine (void);
static void resetpos (void);
static void consumeLine (void);
static void updatepos (void);
static void skippos (void);
static void poperrorskip (const char *);
static void endOfComment (void);
static void endOfCComment (void);
static void splitSlashStar (void);
static void handleDate (void);
static void handleLine (void);
static void handleFile (void);
static void handleFunction (void);
static void handleColumn (void);
static void pushFunction (char *function, int module);
static void popFunction (void);
static void checkFunction (void);
EXTERN void m2flex_M2Error (const char *);
EXTERN location_t m2flex_GetLocation (void);
EXTERN int m2flex_GetColumnNo (void);
EXTERN int m2flex_OpenSource (char *s);
EXTERN int m2flex_GetLineNo (void);
EXTERN void m2flex_CloseSource (void);
EXTERN char *m2flex_GetToken (void);
EXTERN void _M2_m2flex_init (void);
EXTERN int m2flex_GetTotalLines (void);
extern void yylex (void);
#if !defined(TRUE)
# define TRUE (1==1)
#if !defined(FALSE)
# define FALSE (1==0)
#define YY_DECL void yylex (void)
%option nounput
"(*" { updatepos();
commentLevel=1; pushLine(); skippos();
<COMMENT>"*)" { endOfComment(); }
<COMMENT>"(*" { commentLevel++; pushLine(); updatepos(); skippos(); }
<COMMENT>"<*" { if (commentLevel == 1) {
} else {
updatepos(); skippos();
<COMMENT>\n.* { consumeLine(); }
<COMMENT>. { updatepos(); skippos(); }
<COMMENT1>. { updatepos(); skippos(); }
<COMMENT1>"*>" { updatepos(); skippos(); finishedLine(); BEGIN COMMENT; }
<COMMENT1>\n.* { consumeLine(); }
<COMMENT1>"*)" { poperrorskip("unterminated source code directive, missing *>");
endOfComment(); }
<COMMENT1><<EOF>> { poperrorskip("unterminated source code directive, missing *>"); BEGIN COMMENT; }
<COMMENT><<EOF>> { poperrorskip("unterminated comment found at the end of the file, missing *)"); BEGIN INITIAL; }
"/*" { /* Possibly handle C preprocessor comment. */
if (cpreprocessor)
updatepos ();
if (commentCLevel == 1)
pushLine ();
skippos ();
splitSlashStar ();
<COMMENTC>. { updatepos(); skippos(); }
<COMMENTC>\n.* { consumeLine(); }
<COMMENTC>"*/" { endOfCComment(); }
^\#.* { consumeLine(); /* printf("found: %s\n", currentLine->linebuf); */ BEGIN LINE0; }
\n\#.* { consumeLine(); /* printf("found: %s\n", currentLine->linebuf); */ BEGIN LINE0; }
<LINE0>\#[ \t]* { updatepos(); }
<LINE0>[0-9]+[ \t]*\" { updatepos(); lineno=atoi(yytext)-1; BEGIN LINE1; }
<LINE0>\n { m2flex_M2Error("missing initial quote after #line directive"); resetpos(); BEGIN INITIAL; }
<LINE1>[^\"\n]+ { m2flex_M2Error("missing final quote after #line directive"); resetpos(); BEGIN INITIAL; }
<LINE1>.*\" { updatepos();
filename = (char *)xrealloc(filename, yyleng+1);
strcpy(filename, yytext);
filename[yyleng-1] = (char)0; /* remove trailing quote */
START_FILE (filename, lineno);
<LINE2>[ \t]* { updatepos(); }
<LINE2>\n { M2LexBuf_SetFile(filename); updatepos(); BEGIN INITIAL; }
<LINE2>2[ \t]*\n { M2LexBuf_SetFile(filename); updatepos(); BEGIN INITIAL; }
<LINE2>1[ \t]*\n { M2LexBuf_SetFile(filename); updatepos(); BEGIN INITIAL; }
<LINE2>1[ \t]*.*\n { M2LexBuf_SetFile(filename); updatepos(); BEGIN INITIAL; }
<LINE2>2[ \t]*.*\n { M2LexBuf_SetFile(filename); updatepos(); BEGIN INITIAL; }
<LINE2>3[ \t]*.*\n { M2LexBuf_SetFile(filename); updatepos(); BEGIN INITIAL; }
\n[^\#].* { consumeLine(); /* printf("found: %s\n", currentLine->linebuf); */ }
\n { consumeLine(); /* printf("found: %s\n", currentLine->linebuf); */ }
\"[^\"\n]*\" { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_stringtok, yytext); return; }
\"[^\"\n]*$ { updatepos();
m2flex_M2Error("missing terminating quote, \"");
resetpos(); return;
'[^'\n]*' { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_stringtok, yytext); return; }
'[^'\n]*$ { updatepos();
m2flex_M2Error("missing terminating quote, '");
resetpos(); return;
<<EOF>> { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_eoftok); return; }
\+ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_plustok); return; }
- { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_minustok); return; }
"*" { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_timestok); return; }
\/ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_dividetok); return; }
:= { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_becomestok); return; }
\& { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_ambersandtok); return; }
\. { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_periodtok); return; }
\, { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_commatok); return; }
\; { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_semicolontok); return; }
\( { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_lparatok); return; }
\) { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_rparatok); return; }
\[ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_lsbratok); return; }
\] { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_rsbratok); return; }
\(\! { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_lsbratok); return; }
\!\) { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_rsbratok); return; }
\^ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_uparrowtok); return; }
\@ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_uparrowtok); return; }
\{ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_lcbratok); return; }
\} { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_rcbratok); return; }
\(\: { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_lcbratok); return; }
\:\) { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_rcbratok); return; }
\' { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_singlequotetok); return; }
\= { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_equaltok); return; }
\# { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_hashtok); return; }
\< { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_lesstok); return; }
\> { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_greatertok); return; }
\<\> { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_lessgreatertok); return; }
\<\= { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_lessequaltok); return; }
\>\= { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_greaterequaltok); return; }
"<*" { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_ldirectivetok); return; }
"*>" { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_rdirectivetok); return; }
\.\. { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_periodperiodtok); return; }
\.\.\. { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_periodperiodperiodtok); return; }
\: { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_colontok); return; }
\" { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_doublequotestok); return; }
\| { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_bartok); return; }
\! { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_bartok); return; }
\~ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_nottok); return; }
AND { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_andtok); return; }
ARRAY { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_arraytok); return; }
BEGIN { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_begintok); return; }
BY { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_bytok); return; }
CASE { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_casetok); return; }
CONST { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_consttok); return; }
DEFINITION { updatepos(); isDefinitionModule = TRUE;
M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_definitiontok); return; }
DIV { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_divtok); return; }
DO { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_dotok); return; }
ELSE { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_elsetok); return; }
ELSIF { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_elsiftok); return; }
END { updatepos(); seenEnd=TRUE;
M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_endtok); return; }
EXCEPT { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_excepttok); return; }
EXIT { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_exittok); return; }
EXPORT { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_exporttok); return; }
FINALLY { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_finallytok); return; }
FOR { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_fortok); return; }
FROM { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_fromtok); return; }
IF { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_iftok); return; }
IMPLEMENTATION { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_implementationtok); return; }
IMPORT { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_importtok); return; }
IN { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_intok); return; }
LOOP { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_looptok); return; }
MOD { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_modtok); return; }
MODULE { updatepos(); seenModuleStart=TRUE;
M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_moduletok); return; }
NOT { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_nottok); return; }
OF { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_oftok); return; }
OR { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_ortok); return; }
PACKEDSET { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_packedsettok); return; }
POINTER { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_pointertok); return; }
PROCEDURE { updatepos(); seenFunctionStart=TRUE;
M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_proceduretok); return; }
QUALIFIED { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_qualifiedtok); return; }
UNQUALIFIED { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_unqualifiedtok); return; }
RECORD { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_recordtok); return; }
REM { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_remtok); return; }
REPEAT { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_repeattok); return; }
RETRY { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_retrytok); return; }
RETURN { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_returntok); return; }
SET { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_settok); return; }
THEN { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_thentok); return; }
TO { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_totok); return; }
TYPE { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_typetok); return; }
UNTIL { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_untiltok); return; }
VAR { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_vartok); return; }
WHILE { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_whiletok); return; }
WITH { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_withtok); return; }
ASM { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_asmtok); return; }
VOLATILE { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_volatiletok); return; }
\_\_DATE\_\_ { updatepos(); handleDate(); return; }
\_\_LINE\_\_ { updatepos(); handleLine(); return; }
\_\_FILE\_\_ { updatepos(); handleFile(); return; }
\_\_FUNCTION\_\_ { updatepos(); handleFunction(); return; }
\_\_COLUMN\_\_ { updatepos(); handleColumn(); return; }
\_\_ATTRIBUTE\_\_ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_attributetok); return; }
\_\_BUILTIN\_\_ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_builtintok); return; }
\_\_INLINE\_\_ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_inlinetok); return; }
(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)(E[+-]?[0-9]+)?) { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_realtok, yytext); return; }
[0-9]*\.E[+-]?[0-9]+ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_realtok, yytext); return; }
[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* { checkFunction(); updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_identtok, yytext); return; }
[0-9]+ { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_integertok, yytext); return; }
[0-9]+B { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_integertok, yytext); return; }
[0-9]+C { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_integertok, yytext); return; }
[0-9A-F]+H { updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_integertok, yytext); return; }
[\t\r ]+ { currentLine->tokenpos += yyleng; /* Ignore space. */; }
. { updatepos(); m2flex_M2Error("unrecognised symbol"); skippos(); }
/* have removed the -? from the beginning of the real/integer constant literal rules */
* hand built routines
* handleFile - handles the __FILE__ construct by wraping it in double quotes and putting
* it into the token buffer as a string.
static void handleFile (void)
char *s = (char *)alloca(strlen(filename)+2+1);
strcpy(s, "\"");
strcat(s, filename);
strcat(s, "\"");
M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_stringtok, s);
* handleLine - handles the __LINE__ construct by passing an integer to
* the token buffer.
static void handleLine (void)
M2LexBuf_AddTokInteger(M2Reserved_integertok, lineno);
* handleColumn - handles the __COLUMN__ construct by passing an integer to
* the token buffer.
static void handleColumn (void)
M2LexBuf_AddTokInteger(M2Reserved_integertok, m2flex_GetColumnNo());
* handleDate - handles the __DATE__ construct by passing the date
* as a string to the token buffer.
static void handleDate (void)
time_t clock = time ((time_t *)0);
char *sdate = ctime (&clock);
char *s = (char *) alloca (strlen (sdate) + 2 + 1);
char *p = index (sdate, '\n');
if (p != NULL) {
*p = (char) 0;
strcpy(s, "\"");
strcat(s, sdate);
strcat(s, "\"");
M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar (M2Reserved_stringtok, s);
* handleFunction - handles the __FUNCTION__ construct by wrapping
* it in double quotes and putting it into the token
* buffer as a string.
static void handleFunction (void)
if (currentFunction == NULL)
M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_stringtok, const_cast<char *>("\"\""));
else if (currentFunction->module) {
char *s = (char *) alloca(strlen(yytext) +
strlen("\"module initialization\"") + 1);
strcpy(s, "\"module ");
strcat(s, currentFunction->name);
strcat(s, " initialization\"");
M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_stringtok, s);
} else {
char *function = currentFunction->name;
char *s = (char *)alloca(strlen(function)+2+1);
strcpy(s, "\"");
strcat(s, function);
strcat(s, "\"");
M2LexBuf_AddTokCharStar(M2Reserved_stringtok, s);
* pushFunction - pushes the function name onto the stack.
static void pushFunction (char *function, int module)
if (currentFunction == NULL) {
currentFunction = (struct functionInfo *)xmalloc (sizeof (struct functionInfo));
currentFunction->name = xstrdup(function);
currentFunction->next = NULL;
currentFunction->module = module;
} else {
struct functionInfo *f = (struct functionInfo *)xmalloc (sizeof (struct functionInfo));
f->name = xstrdup(function);
f->next = currentFunction;
f->module = module;
currentFunction = f;
* popFunction - pops the current function.
static void popFunction (void)
if (currentFunction != NULL && currentFunction->next != NULL) {
struct functionInfo *f = currentFunction;
currentFunction = currentFunction->next;
if (f->name != NULL)
* endOfComment - handles the end of comment
static void endOfComment (void)
if (commentLevel==0) {
} else
* endOfCComment - handles the end of C comment.
static void endOfCComment (void)
commentCLevel = 0;
* m2flex_M2Error - displays the error message, s, after the code line and pointer
* to the erroneous token.
EXTERN void m2flex_M2Error (const char *s)
if (currentLine->linebuf != NULL) {
int i=1;
printf("%s:%d:%s\n", filename, currentLine->lineno, currentLine->linebuf);
printf("%s:%d:%*s", filename, currentLine->lineno, 1+currentLine->tokenpos, "^");
while (i<currentLine->toklen) {
printf("%s:%d:%s\n", filename, currentLine->lineno, s);
static void poperrorskip (const char *s)
int nextpos =currentLine->nextpos;
int tokenpos=currentLine->tokenpos;
if (currentLine != NULL) {
currentLine->nextpos = nextpos;
currentLine->tokenpos = tokenpos;
* consumeLine - reads a line into a buffer, it then pushes back the whole
* line except the initial \n.
static void consumeLine (void)
if (currentLine->linelen<yyleng) {
currentLine->linebuf = (char *)xrealloc (currentLine->linebuf, yyleng);
currentLine->linelen = yyleng;
strcpy(currentLine->linebuf, yytext+1); /* copy all except the initial \n */
currentLine->lineno = lineno;
START_LINE (lineno, yyleng);
yyless(1); /* push back all but the \n */
static void assert_location (location_t location ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
#if 0
if ((location != BUILTINS_LOCATION) && (location != UNKNOWN_LOCATION) && (! M2Options_GetCpp ())) {
expanded_location xl = expand_location (location);
if (xl.line != currentLine->lineno) {
m2flex_M2Error ("mismatched gcc location and front end token number");
* splitSlashStar - called if we are not tokenizing source code after it
* has been preprocessed by cpp. It is only called
* if the current token was a / immediately followed by * and
* therefore it will be split into two m2 tokens: / and *.
static void splitSlashStar (void)
seenFunctionStart = FALSE;
seenEnd = FALSE;
seenModuleStart = FALSE;
currentLine->nextpos = currentLine->tokenpos+1; /* "/". */
currentLine->toklen = 1;
currentLine->column = currentLine->tokenpos+1;
currentLine->location =
M2Options_OverrideLocation (GET_LOCATION (currentLine->column,
assert_location (GET_LOCATION (currentLine->column,
M2LexBuf_AddTok (M2Reserved_dividetok);
currentLine->nextpos = currentLine->tokenpos+1; /* "*". */
currentLine->toklen = 1;
currentLine->column = currentLine->tokenpos+1;
currentLine->location =
M2Options_OverrideLocation (GET_LOCATION (currentLine->column,
assert_location (GET_LOCATION (currentLine->column,
M2LexBuf_AddTok (M2Reserved_timestok);
* updatepos - updates the current token position.
* Should be used when a rule matches a token.
static void updatepos (void)
seenFunctionStart = FALSE;
seenEnd = FALSE;
seenModuleStart = FALSE;
currentLine->nextpos = currentLine->tokenpos+yyleng;
currentLine->toklen = yyleng;
/* if (currentLine->column == 0) */
currentLine->column = currentLine->tokenpos+1;
currentLine->location =
M2Options_OverrideLocation (GET_LOCATION (currentLine->column,
assert_location (GET_LOCATION (currentLine->column,
* checkFunction - checks to see whether we have seen the start
* or end of a function.
static void checkFunction (void)
if (! isDefinitionModule) {
if (seenModuleStart)
pushFunction(yytext, 1);
if (seenFunctionStart)
pushFunction(yytext, 0);
if (seenEnd && currentFunction != NULL &&
(strcmp(currentFunction->name, yytext) == 0))
seenFunctionStart = FALSE;
seenEnd = FALSE;
seenModuleStart = FALSE;
* skippos - skips over this token. This function should be called
* if we are not returning and thus not calling getToken.
static void skippos (void)
currentLine->tokenpos = currentLine->nextpos;
* initLine - initializes a currentLine
static void initLine (void)
currentLine = (struct lineInfo *)xmalloc (sizeof(struct lineInfo));
if (currentLine == NULL)
currentLine->linebuf = NULL;
currentLine->linelen = 0;
currentLine->tokenpos = 0;
currentLine->toklen = 0;
currentLine->nextpos = 0;
currentLine->lineno = lineno;
currentLine->column = 0;
currentLine->inuse = TRUE;
currentLine->next = NULL;
* pushLine - pushes a new line structure.
static void pushLine (void)
if (currentLine == NULL)
else if (currentLine->inuse) {
struct lineInfo *l = (struct lineInfo *)xmalloc (sizeof(struct lineInfo));
if (currentLine->linebuf == NULL) {
l->linebuf = NULL;
l->linelen = 0;
} else {
l->linebuf = (char *)xstrdup (currentLine->linebuf);
l->linelen = strlen (l->linebuf)+1;
l->tokenpos = currentLine->tokenpos;
l->toklen = currentLine->toklen;
l->nextpos = currentLine->nextpos;
l->lineno = currentLine->lineno;
l->column = currentLine->column;
l->next = currentLine;
currentLine = l;
currentLine->inuse = TRUE;
* popLine - pops a line structure.
static void popLine (void)
if (currentLine != NULL) {
struct lineInfo *l = currentLine;
if (currentLine->linebuf != NULL)
currentLine = l->next;
* resetpos - resets the position of the next token to the start of the line.
static void resetpos (void)
if (currentLine != NULL)
currentLine->nextpos = 0;
* finishedLine - indicates that the current line does not need to be preserved when a pushLine
* occurs.
static void finishedLine (void)
currentLine->inuse = FALSE;
* m2flex_GetToken - returns a new token.
EXTERN char *m2flex_GetToken (void)
if (currentLine == NULL)
currentLine->tokenpos = currentLine->nextpos;
return yytext;
* CloseSource - provided for semantic sugar
EXTERN void m2flex_CloseSource (void)
* OpenSource - returns TRUE if file s can be opened and
* all tokens are taken from this file.
EXTERN int m2flex_OpenSource (char *s)
FILE *f = fopen(s, "r");
if (f == NULL)
return( FALSE );
else {
isDefinitionModule = FALSE;
while (currentFunction != NULL)
struct functionInfo *f = currentFunction;
currentFunction = f->next;
if (f->name != NULL)
yy_delete_buffer (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);
yy_switch_to_buffer (yy_create_buffer(f, YY_BUF_SIZE));
filename = xstrdup (s);
lineno = 1;
if (currentLine == NULL)
pushLine ();
currentLine->lineno = lineno;
START_FILE (filename, lineno);
BEGIN INITIAL; resetpos ();
return TRUE;
* m2flex_GetLineNo - returns the current line number.
EXTERN int m2flex_GetLineNo (void)
if (currentLine != NULL)
return currentLine->lineno;
return 0;
* m2flex_GetColumnNo - returns the column where the current
* token starts.
EXTERN int m2flex_GetColumnNo (void)
if (currentLine != NULL)
return currentLine->column;
return 0;
* m2flex_GetLocation - returns the gcc location_t of the current token.
EXTERN location_t m2flex_GetLocation (void)
if (currentLine != NULL)
return currentLine->location;
return 0;
* GetTotalLines - returns the total number of lines parsed.
EXTERN int m2flex_GetTotalLines (void)
return totalLines;
* yywrap is called when end of file is seen. We push an eof token
* and tell the lexical analysis to stop.
int yywrap (void)
updatepos(); M2LexBuf_AddTok(M2Reserved_eoftok); return 1;
EXTERN void _M2_m2flex_init (void) {}
EXTERN void _M2_m2flex_fini (void) {}