blob: 523b5b820d759b53df147cf90ddd632901dc15be [file] [log] [blame]
* Defines initializers of variables, e.g. the array literal in `int[3] x = [0, 1, 2]`.
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Authors: $(LINK2, Walter Bright)
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
* Source: $(LINK2, _init.d)
* Documentation:
* Coverage:
module dmd.init;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import core.checkedint;
import dmd.arraytypes;
import dmd.astenums;
import dmd.ast_node;
import dmd.dsymbol;
import dmd.expression;
import dmd.globals;
import dmd.hdrgen;
import dmd.identifier;
import dmd.mtype;
import dmd.common.outbuffer;
import dmd.root.rootobject;
import dmd.tokens;
import dmd.visitor;
enum NeedInterpret : int
alias INITnointerpret = NeedInterpret.INITnointerpret;
alias INITinterpret = NeedInterpret.INITinterpret;
extern (C++) class Initializer : ASTNode
Loc loc;
InitKind kind;
override DYNCAST dyncast() const
return DYNCAST.initializer;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, InitKind kind)
this.loc = loc;
this.kind = kind;
override final const(char)* toChars() const
OutBuffer buf;
HdrGenState hgs;
.toCBuffer(this, &buf, &hgs);
return buf.extractChars();
final inout(ErrorInitializer) isErrorInitializer() inout @nogc nothrow pure
// Use void* cast to skip dynamic casting call
return kind == InitKind.error ? cast(inout ErrorInitializer)cast(void*)this : null;
final inout(VoidInitializer) isVoidInitializer() inout @nogc nothrow pure
return kind == InitKind.void_ ? cast(inout VoidInitializer)cast(void*)this : null;
final inout(StructInitializer) isStructInitializer() inout @nogc nothrow pure
return kind == InitKind.struct_ ? cast(inout StructInitializer)cast(void*)this : null;
final inout(ArrayInitializer) isArrayInitializer() inout @nogc nothrow pure
return kind == InitKind.array ? cast(inout ArrayInitializer)cast(void*)this : null;
final inout(ExpInitializer) isExpInitializer() inout @nogc nothrow pure
return kind == InitKind.exp ? cast(inout ExpInitializer)cast(void*)this : null;
final inout(CInitializer) isCInitializer() inout @nogc nothrow pure
return kind == InitKind.C_ ? cast(inout CInitializer)cast(void*)this : null;
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class VoidInitializer : Initializer
Type type; // type that this will initialize to
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc)
super(loc, InitKind.void_);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class ErrorInitializer : Initializer
extern (D) this()
super(Loc.initial, InitKind.error);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class StructInitializer : Initializer
Identifiers field; // of Identifier *'s
Initializers value; // parallel array of Initializer *'s
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc)
super(loc, InitKind.struct_);
extern (D) void addInit(Identifier field, Initializer value)
//printf("StructInitializer::addInit(field = %p, value = %p)\n", field, value);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class ArrayInitializer : Initializer
Expressions index; // indices
Initializers value; // of Initializer *'s
uint dim; // length of array being initialized
Type type; // type that array will be used to initialize
bool sem; // true if semantic() is run
bool isCarray; // C array semantics
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc)
super(loc, InitKind.array);
extern (D) void addInit(Expression index, Initializer value)
dim = 0;
type = null;
bool isAssociativeArray() const pure
foreach (idx; index)
if (idx)
return true;
return false;
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class ExpInitializer : Initializer
bool expandTuples;
Expression exp;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression exp)
super(loc, InitKind.exp);
this.exp = exp;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Holds the `designator` for C initializers
struct Designator
Expression exp; /// [ constant-expression ]
Identifier ident; /// . identifier
this(Expression exp) { this.exp = exp; }
this(Identifier ident) { this.ident = ident; }
* Holds the `designation (opt) initializer` for C initializers
struct DesigInit
Designators* designatorList; /// designation (opt)
Initializer initializer; /// initializer
* C11 6.7.9 Initialization
* Represents the C initializer-list
extern (C++) final class CInitializer : Initializer
DesigInits initializerList; /// initializer-list
Type type; /// type that array will be used to initialize
bool sem; /// true if semantic() is run
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc)
super(loc, InitKind.C_);
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Copy the AST for Initializer.
* Params:
* inx = Initializer AST to copy
* Returns:
* the copy
Initializer syntaxCopy(Initializer inx)
static Initializer copyStruct(StructInitializer vi)
auto si = new StructInitializer(vi.loc);
assert(vi.field.dim == vi.value.dim);
foreach (const i; 0 .. vi.field.dim)
si.field[i] = vi.field[i];
si.value[i] = vi.value[i].syntaxCopy();
return si;
static Initializer copyArray(ArrayInitializer vi)
auto ai = new ArrayInitializer(vi.loc);
assert(vi.index.dim == vi.value.dim);
foreach (const i; 0 .. vi.value.dim)
ai.index[i] = vi.index[i] ? vi.index[i].syntaxCopy() : null;
ai.value[i] = vi.value[i].syntaxCopy();
return ai;
static Initializer copyC(CInitializer vi)
auto ci = new CInitializer(vi.loc);
foreach (const i; 0 .. vi.initializerList.length)
DesigInit* cdi = &ci.initializerList[i];
DesigInit* vdi = &ci.initializerList[i];
cdi.initializer = vdi.initializer.syntaxCopy();
if (vdi.designatorList)
cdi.designatorList = new Designators();
foreach (const j; 0 .. vdi.designatorList.length)
Designator* cdid = &(*cdi.designatorList)[j];
Designator* vdid = &(*vdi.designatorList)[j];
cdid.exp = vdid.exp ? vdid.exp.syntaxCopy() : null;
cdid.ident = vdid.ident;
return ci;
final switch (inx.kind)
case InitKind.void_: return new VoidInitializer(inx.loc);
case InitKind.error: return inx;
case InitKind.struct_: return copyStruct(cast(StructInitializer)inx);
case InitKind.array: return copyArray(cast(ArrayInitializer)inx);
case InitKind.exp: return new ExpInitializer(inx.loc, (cast(ExpInitializer)inx).exp.syntaxCopy());
case InitKind.C_: return copyC(cast(CInitializer)inx);