blob: 10a66887fa2ddc78de8571723e19b660b5730994 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test to exercise attribute "nonstring" syntax.
{ dg-do compile }
{ dg-options "-Wattributes" } */
#define ATTR(list) __attribute__ (list)
#define NONSTR ATTR ((nonstring))
/* Verify it's accepted on char arrays. */
extern NONSTR char nsx_1[];
extern char NONSTR nsx_2[];
extern char nsx_3[] NONSTR;
extern NONSTR char ns1[1];
extern char NONSTR ns3[3];
extern char ns5[5] NONSTR;
/* Verify it's accepted on char pointers. */
extern NONSTR char* pns_1;
extern char NONSTR* pns_2;
extern char* NONSTR pns_3;
struct S
/* Verify it's accepted on char member pointers. */
NONSTR char* mpns_1;
char NONSTR* mpns_2;
char* NONSTR mpns_3;
/* Verify it's accepted on char member arrays. */
NONSTR char mns1[1];
char NONSTR mns3[3];
char mns5[5] NONSTR;
/* Verify it's accepted on char flexible array members. */
char mnsx[] NONSTR;
/* Verify it's rejected on non-array and non-pointer objects. */
extern NONSTR char c1; /* { dg-warning ".nonstring. attribute ignored on objects of type .char." } */
extern NONSTR int i1; /* { dg-warning ".nonstring. attribute ignored on objects of type .int." } */
extern NONSTR int ia1[]; /* { dg-warning ".nonstring. attribute ignored on objects of type .int *\\\[\\\]." } */
extern NONSTR int* pi1; /* { dg-warning ".nonstring. attribute ignored on objects of type .int *\\*." } */
extern NONSTR
void f (void); /* { dg-warning ".nonstring. attribute does not apply to functions" } */
struct NONSTR
NonStrType { int i; }; /* { dg-warning ".nonstring. attribute does not apply to types" } */
typedef char NONSTR nschar_t; /* { dg-warning ".nonstring. attribute does not apply to types" } */
void func (NONSTR char *pns1, char NONSTR *pns2, char* NONSTR pns3)