blob: 132a97cd4c4f0c6fc3f5217ae308df019c88acb0 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run { target c99_runtime } }
! { dg-additional-sources ISO_Fortran_binding_13.c }
! Test the fix for PR91926. The additional source is the main program.
! Contributed by José Rui Faustino de Sousa <>
program ifb_p
implicit none
integer :: i = 42
integer function ifb_echo_aux(this) bind(c, name="ifb_echo")
implicit none
type(*), dimension(..), & ! removing assumed rank solves segmentation fault
optional, intent(in) :: this
end function ifb_echo_aux
end interface
if (ifb_echo_aux() .ne. 1) STOP 1 ! worked
if (ifb_echo() .ne. 1) stop 2 ! segmentation fault
if (ifb_echo_aux(i) .ne. 2) stop 3 ! worked
if (ifb_echo(i) .ne. 2) stop 4 ! worked
integer function ifb_echo(this)
type(*), dimension(..), &
optional, intent(in) :: this
ifb_echo = ifb_echo_aux(this)
end function ifb_echo
end program ifb_p