blob: 498c6e3e057bc4d091141ad2d5a655aa6bc2f23c [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
program test
print *, char(255)
print *, achar(255)
print *, char(255,kind=1)
print *, achar(255,kind=1)
print *, char(255,kind=4)
print *, achar(255,kind=4)
print *, char(0)
print *, achar(0)
print *, char(0,kind=1)
print *, achar(0,kind=1)
print *, char(0,kind=4)
print *, achar(0,kind=4)
print *, char(297) ! { dg-error "too large for the collating sequence" }
print *, achar(297) ! { dg-error "too large for the collating sequence" }
print *, char(297,kind=1) ! { dg-error "too large for the collating sequence" }
print *, achar(297,kind=1) ! { dg-error "too large for the collating sequence" }
print *, char(297,kind=4)
print *, achar(297,kind=4)
print *, char(-1) ! { dg-error "negative" }
print *, achar(-1) ! { dg-error "negative" }
print *, char(-1,kind=1) ! { dg-error "negative" }
print *, achar(-1,kind=1) ! { dg-error "negative" }
print *, char(-1,kind=4) ! { dg-error "negative" }
print *, achar(-1,kind=4) ! { dg-error "negative" }
print *, char(huge(0_8)) ! { dg-error "too large for the collating sequence" }
print *, achar(huge(0_8)) ! { dg-error "too large for the collating sequence" }
print *, char(huge(0_8),kind=1) ! { dg-error "too large for the collating sequence" }
print *, achar(huge(0_8),kind=1) ! { dg-error "too large for the collating sequence" }
print *, char(huge(0_8),kind=4) ! { dg-error "too large for the collating sequence" }
print *, achar(huge(0_8),kind=4) ! { dg-error "too large for the collating sequence" }
end program test