blob: a78f54611c641bf855216d23c5e403751658fe2c [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Check the fix for PR67779, in which array sections passed in the
! recursive calls to 'quicksort' had an incorrect offset.
! Contributed by Arjen Markus <>
! NOTE: This is the version of the testcase in comment #16 (from Thomas Koenig)
module myclass_def
implicit none
type, abstract :: myclass
procedure(assign_object), deferred :: copy
procedure(one_lower_than_two), deferred :: lower
procedure(print_object), deferred :: print
procedure, nopass :: quicksort ! without nopass, it does not work
end type myclass
abstract interface
subroutine assign_object( left, right )
import :: myclass
class(myclass), intent(inout) :: left
class(myclass), intent(in) :: right
end subroutine assign_object
end interface
abstract interface
logical function one_lower_than_two( op1, op2 )
import :: myclass
class(myclass), intent(in) :: op1, op2
end function one_lower_than_two
end interface
abstract interface
subroutine print_object( obj )
import :: myclass
class(myclass), intent(in) :: obj
end subroutine print_object
end interface
! Type containing a real
type, extends(myclass) :: mysortable
integer :: value
procedure :: copy => copy_sortable
procedure :: lower => lower_sortable
procedure :: print => print_sortable
end type mysortable
! Generic part
recursive subroutine quicksort( array )
class(myclass), dimension(:) :: array
class(myclass), allocatable :: v, tmp
integer :: i, j
integer :: k
i = 1
j = size(array)
allocate( v, source = array(1) )
allocate( tmp, source = array(1) )
call v%copy( array((j+i)/2) ) ! Use the middle element
do while ( array(i)%lower(v) )
i = i + 1
do while ( v%lower(array(j)) )
j = j - 1
if ( i <= j ) then
call tmp%copy( array(i) )
call array(i)%copy( array(j) )
call array(j)%copy( tmp )
i = i + 1
j = j - 1
if ( i > j ) then
if ( 1 < j ) then
call quicksort( array(1:j) ) ! Problem here
if ( i < size(array) ) then
call quicksort( array(i:) ) ! ....and here
end subroutine quicksort
! Specific part
subroutine copy_sortable( left, right )
class(mysortable), intent(inout) :: left
class(myclass), intent(in) :: right
select type (right)
type is (mysortable)
select type (left)
type is (mysortable)
left = right
end select
end select
end subroutine copy_sortable
logical function lower_sortable( op1, op2 )
class(mysortable), intent(in) :: op1
class(myclass), intent(in) :: op2
select type (op2)
type is (mysortable)
lower_sortable = op1%value < op2%value
end select
end function lower_sortable
subroutine print_sortable( obj )
class(mysortable), intent(in) :: obj
write(*,'(G0," ")', advance="no") obj%value
end subroutine print_sortable
end module myclass_def
! test program
program test_quicksort
use myclass_def
implicit none
type(mysortable), dimension(20) :: array
real, dimension(20) :: values
call random_number(values)
array%value = int (1000000 * values)
! It would be pretty perverse if this failed!
if (check (array)) STOP 1
call quicksort( array )
! Check the the array is correctly ordered
if (.not.check (array)) STOP 2
logical function check (arg)
type(mysortable), dimension(:) :: arg
integer :: s
s = size (arg, 1)
check = all (arg(2 : s)%value .ge. arg(1 : s - 1)%value)
end function check
end program test_quicksort