blob: 20a415e8e15560a71023ac93fa784de8a3484fda [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/67721
! Check that scalar to array assignments of derived type constructor
! deep copy the value when there are allocatable components.
program p
implicit none
type :: t1
integer :: c1
end type t1
type :: t2
type(t1), allocatable :: c2
end type t2
type(t2) :: v(4)
v = t2(t1(3))
v(2)%c2%c1 = 7
v(3)%c2%c1 = 11
v(4)%c2%c1 = 13
if (v(1)%c2%c1 /= 3) STOP 1
if (v(2)%c2%c1 /= 7) STOP 2
if (v(3)%c2%c1 /= 11) STOP 3
if (v(4)%c2%c1 /= 13) STOP 4
end block
end program p