blob: 14597c3282e731992714c98495fcb90979ab8c02 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for comment #8 of PR41478, in which copying
! allocatable scalar components caused a segfault.
! Contributed by Tobias Burnus <>
program main
type :: container_t
integer, allocatable :: entry
end type container_t
type(container_t), dimension(1) :: a1, a2
allocate (a1(1)%entry, a2(1)%entry)
a2(1)%entry = 1
a1(1:1) = pack (a2(1:1), mask = [.true.])
deallocate (a2(1)%entry)
if (a1(1)%entry .ne. 1) STOP 1
end program main