blob: ca6e08e6464ae570235bee6785ea27d59d61a685 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR92959, where compilation of ASSOCIATED segfaulted in 's1' and 's2'.
! Contributed by Gerhard Steinmetz <>
program p
character(:), pointer :: x, y => NULL()
character, pointer :: u, v => NULL ()
character(4), target :: tgt = "abcd"
! Manifestly not associated
x => tgt
u => tgt(1:1)
call s1 (.false., 1)
call s2 (.false., 2)
! Manifestly associated
y => x
v => u
call s1 (.true., 3)
call s2 (.true., 4)
! Zero sized storage sequences must give a false.
y => tgt(1:0)
x => y
call s1 (.false., 5)
subroutine s1 (state, err_no)
logical :: state
integer :: err_no
if (associated(x, y) .neqv. state) stop err_no
subroutine s2 (state, err_no)
logical :: state
integer :: err_no
if (associated(u, v) .neqv. state) stop err_no