blob: bc8821453efe1bb6d7764c5f7982c885b7c91f46 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR/fortran 25829
! Check parsing and checking of ASYNCHRONOUS
type(t) function func0()
asynchronous :: a
integer, asynchronous:: b
allocatable :: c
volatile :: d
type t
integer :: i = 5
end type t
end function func0
integer function func()
asynchronous :: func
integer, asynchronous:: b
allocatable :: c
volatile :: func
type t
integer :: i = 5
end type t
end function func
function func2() result(res)
volatile res
asynchronous res
end function func2
subroutine sub()
asynchronous sub ! { dg-error "SUBROUTINE attribute conflicts with ASYNCHRONOUS" }
volatile sub ! { dg-error "SUBROUTINE attribute conflicts with VOLATILE" }
end subroutine sub
program main
asynchronous main ! { dg-error "PROGRAM attribute conflicts with ASYNCHRONOUS" }
volatile main ! { dg-error "PROGRAM attribute conflicts with VOLATILE" }
end program main