blob: 64d73409df3775f6572508bbd30acd74e6a784c3 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-additional-options "-fdump-tree-original" }
! F2018 - examples without array descriptor
module m
use iso_c_binding, only: c_char
implicit none (type, external)
! Scalar, nonallocatable/nonpointer
subroutine s1 (x1) bind(C)
character(kind=c_char, len=1) :: x1
if (len (x1) /= 1) stop
if (x1 /= 'Z') stop
x1 = 'A'
! Valid as Fortran code - but with BIND(C)
! 18.3.6 (5) (bullet 5) requires interoperability, i.e. len=1
! which is not fullfilled.
! [It would work as with len=<const> the length is known
! and only a bytestream is passed around.]
!subroutine s2 (x2) bind(C)
! character(kind=c_char, len=2) :: x2
! if (len (x2) /= 2) stop
! if (x2 /= '42') stop
! x2 = '64'
! Assumed-size array, nonallocatable/nonpointer
subroutine az1 (x1) bind(C)
character(kind=c_char, len=1) :: x1(*)
if (len(x1) /= 1) stop
if (any (x1(:6) /= ['g', &
'd', &
'f', &
's', &
'3', &
'5'])) stop 1
x1(:6) = ['1', &
'h', &
'f', &
'3', &
'4', &
! Valid as Fortran code - but with BIND(C)
! 18.3.6 (5) (bullet 5) requires interoperability, i.e. len=1
! which is not fullfilled.
! [It would work as with len=<const> the length is known
! and only a bytestream is passed around.]
!subroutine az2 (x2) bind(C)
! character(kind=c_char, len=2) :: x2(*)
! if (len(x2) /= 2) stop
! if (any (x2(:6) /= ['ab', &
! 'fd', &
! 'D4', &
! '54', &
! 'ga', &
! 'hg'])) stop
! x2(:6) = ['ab', &
! 'hd', &
! 'fj', &
! 'a4', &
! '4a', &
! 'hf']
! Explicit-size array, nonallocatable/nonpointer
subroutine ae1 (x1) bind(C)
character(kind=c_char, len=1) :: x1(6)
if (size(x1) /= 6) stop
if (len(x1) /= 1) stop
if (any (x1 /= ['g', &
'd', &
'f', &
's', &
'3', &
'5'])) stop 1
x1 = ['1', &
'h', &
'f', &
'3', &
'4', &
! Valid as Fortran code - but with BIND(C)
! 18.3.6 (5) (bullet 5) requires interoperability, i.e. len=1
! which is not fullfilled.
! [It would work as with len=<const> the length is known
! and only a bytestream is passed around.]
!subroutine ae2 (x2) bind(C)
! character(kind=c_char, len=2) :: x2(6)
! if (size(x2) /= 6) stop
! if (len(x2) /= 2) stop
! if (any (x2 /= ['ab', &
! 'fd', &
! 'D4', &
! '54', &
! 'ga', &
! 'hg'])) stop
! x2 = ['ab', &
! 'hd', &
! 'fj', &
! 'a4', &
! '4a', &
! 'hf']
end module m
program main
use m
implicit none (type, external)
character(kind=c_char, len=1) :: str1
character(kind=c_char, len=2) :: str2
character(kind=c_char, len=1) :: str1a6(6)
character(kind=c_char, len=2) :: str2a6(6)
! Scalar - no array descriptor
str1 = 'Z'
call s1 (str1)
if (str1 /= 'A') stop
! str2 = '42'
! call s2 (str2)
! if (str2 /= '64') stop
! assumed size - without array descriptor
str1a6 = ['g', &
'd', &
'f', &
's', &
'3', &
call az1 (str1a6)
if (any (str1a6 /= ['1', &
'h', &
'f', &
'3', &
'4', &
'h'])) stop
! str2a6 = ['ab', &
! 'fd', &
! 'D4', &
! '54', &
! 'ga', &
! 'hg']
! call az2 (str2a6)
! if (any (str2a6 /= ['ab', &
! 'hd', &
! 'fj', &
! 'a4', &
! '4a', &
! 'hf'])) stop
! explicit size - without array descriptor
str1a6 = ['g', &
'd', &
'f', &
's', &
'3', &
call ae1 (str1a6)
if (any (str1a6 /= ['1', &
'h', &
'f', &
'3', &
'4', &
'h'])) stop
! str2a6 = ['ab', &
! 'fd', &
! 'D4', &
! '54', &
! 'ga', &
! 'hg']
! call ae2 (str2a6)
! if (any (str2a6 /= ['ab', &
! 'hd', &
! 'fj', &
! 'a4', &
! '4a', &
! 'hf'])) stop
! All argument shall be passed without descriptor
! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "dtype" "original" } }
! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "void s1 \\(character\\(kind=1\\)\\\[1:1\\\] & restrict x1\\)" 1 "original" } }
! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "void s2 " "original" } }
! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "void az1 \\(character\\(kind=1\\)\\\[0:\\\]\\\[1:1\\\] \\* restrict x1\\)" 1 "original" } }
! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "void az2 " "original" } }
! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "void ae1 \\(character\\(kind=1\\)\\\[6\\\]\\\[1:1\\\] \\* restrict x1\\)" 1 "original" } }
! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "void ae2 " "original" } }