blob: 0769eb05de1f8b52e54d29d4aee07c7ab099addc [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR fortran/48858
! PR fortran/55465
! Seems to be regarded as valid, even if it is doubtful
module m_odbc_if
implicit none
interface sql_set_env_attr
function sql_set_env_attr_int( input_handle,attribute,value,length ) &
result(res) bind(C,name="SQLSetEnvAttr")
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr), value :: input_handle
integer(c_int), value :: attribute
integer(c_int), value :: value ! <<<< HERE: int passed by value (int with ptr address)
integer(c_int), value :: length
integer(c_short) :: res
end function
function sql_set_env_attr_ptr( input_handle,attribute,value,length ) &
result(res) bind(C,name="SQLSetEnvAttr")
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr), value :: input_handle
integer(c_int), value :: attribute
type(c_ptr), value :: value ! <<< HERE: "void *" (pointer address)
integer(c_int), value :: length
integer(c_short) :: res
end function
end interface
end module
module graph_partitions
use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
interface Cfun
subroutine cfunc1 (num, array) bind(c, name="Cfun")
import :: c_int
integer(c_int),value :: num
integer(c_int) :: array(*) ! <<< HERE: int[]
end subroutine cfunc1
subroutine cfunf2 (num, array) bind(c, name="Cfun")
import :: c_int, c_ptr
integer(c_int),value :: num
type(c_ptr),value :: array ! <<< HERE: void*
end subroutine cfunf2
end interface
end module graph_partitions
program test
use graph_partitions
integer(c_int) :: a(100)
call Cfun (1, a)
call Cfun (2, C_NULL_PTR)
end program test