blob: b3766cc818db59c6429c7e6c95550a73830a5932 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-std=gnu -fallow-invalid-boz" }
! Test that the BOZ constant on the RHS, which are of different KIND than
! the LHS, are correctly converted.
program boz
implicit none
integer(1), parameter :: &
& b1 = b'000000000001111' ! { dg-warning "BOZ literal constant at" }
integer(2), parameter :: &
& b2 = b'00000000000000000111000011110000' ! { dg-warning "BOZ literal constant at" }
integer(4), parameter :: &
& b4 = b'0000000000000000000000000000000001110000111100001111000011110000' ! { dg-warning "BOZ literal constant at" }
integer(1), parameter :: o1 = o'0012' ! { dg-warning "BOZ literal constant at" }
integer(2), parameter :: o2 = o'0004321' ! { dg-warning "BOZ literal constant at" }
integer(4), parameter :: o4 = o'0000000043210765' ! { dg-warning "BOZ literal constant at" }
integer(1), parameter :: z1 = z'0a' ! { dg-warning "BOZ literal constant at" }
integer(2), parameter :: z2 = z'00ab' ! { dg-warning "BOZ literal constant at" }
integer(4), parameter :: z4 = z'0000dead' ! { dg-warning "BOZ literal constant at" }
if (b1 /= 15_1) STOP 1
if (b2 /= 28912_2) STOP 2
if (b4 /= 1894838512_4) STOP 3
if (o1 /= 10_1) STOP 4
if (o2 /= 2257_2) STOP 5
if (o4 /= 9245173_4) STOP 6
if (z1 /= 10_1) STOP 7
if (z2 /= 171_2) STOP 8
if (z4 /= 57005_4) STOP 9
end program boz