blob: b1d966f530d73e45ef1109236ffc20fd0c08633d [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-std=f2003" }
! PR fortran/34342
! Diagnose BOZ literal for non-integer variables in
! a DATA statement. Cf. Fortran 2003, 5.2.5 DATA statement:
! "If a data-stmt-constant is a boz-literal-constant, the
! corresponding variable shall be of type integer."
real :: r
integer :: i
data i/z'111'/
data r/z'4455'/ ! { dg-error "BOZ literal constant" }
r = z'FFFF' ! { dg-error "BOZ literal constant" }
i = z'4455' ! { dg-error "BOZ literal constant" }
r = real(z'FFFFFFFFF')