blob: 55e8d00fa9cba1260c01afcb41c3c2c17639d558 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-fcoarray=single -std=f2008" }
! PR 38536 - array sections as arguments to c_loc are illegal.
use iso_c_binding
type, bind(c) :: t1
integer(c_int) :: i(5)
end type t1
type, bind(c):: t2
type(t1) :: t(5)
end type t2
type, bind(c) :: t3
type(t1) :: t(5,5)
end type t3
type(t2), target :: tt
type(t3), target :: ttt
integer(c_int), target :: n(3)
integer(c_int), target :: x[*]
type(C_PTR) :: p
p = c_loc(tt%t%i(1))
p = c_loc(n(1:2)) ! OK: interop type + contiguous
p = c_loc(ttt%t(5,1:2)%i(1)) ! FIXME: Noncontiguous (invalid) - compile-time testable
p = c_loc(x[1]) ! { dg-error "shall not be coindexed" }