blob: 097fbc6f65f0cec403a23c0a0c8769f765d4effc [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Test the fix for pr41167, in which the first argument of 'pack', below,
! was simplified incorrectly, with the results indicated.
! Contributed by Harald Anlauf <>
program gfcbug88
implicit none
type t
character(len=8) :: name
end type t
type(t) ,parameter :: obstyp(2)= (/ t ('A'), t ('B') /)
character(9) :: chr(1)
print *, pack (" "//obstyp(:)% name, (/ .true., .false. /)) ! Used to ICE on compilation
chr = pack (" "//obstyp(:)% name, (/ .true., .false. /)) ! Used to give conversion error
end program gfcbug88