blob: 5116c661b9bba96e33ad25e4246db898d04137b2 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Test the final fix for PR42353, in which a compilation error was
! occurring because the derived type of the initializer of the vtab
! component '$extends' was not the same as that of the component.
! Contributed by Harald Anlauf <>
module abstract_vector
implicit none
type, abstract :: vector_class
end type vector_class
end module abstract_vector
module concrete_vector
use abstract_vector
implicit none
type, extends(vector_class) :: trivial_vector_type
end type trivial_vector_type
private :: my_assign
subroutine my_assign (this,v)
class(trivial_vector_type), intent(inout) :: this
class(vector_class), intent(in) :: v
end subroutine my_assign
end module concrete_vector
module concrete_gradient
use abstract_vector
implicit none
type, abstract, extends(vector_class) :: gradient_class
end type gradient_class
type, extends(gradient_class) :: trivial_gradient_type
end type trivial_gradient_type
private :: my_assign
subroutine my_assign (this,v)
class(trivial_gradient_type), intent(inout) :: this
class(vector_class), intent(in) :: v
end subroutine my_assign
end module concrete_gradient
module concrete_inner_product
use concrete_vector
use concrete_gradient
implicit none
end module concrete_inner_product