blob: dde58ed3c2759e7854da198e19e84f1d2ab492a8 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the check for PR31292, in which the module procedure
! statement would put the symbol for assign_t in the wrong
! namespace and this caused the interface checking to fail.
! Contributed by Tobias Burnus <>
module chk_gfortran
implicit none
type t
integer x
end type t
function is_gfortran()
logical is_gfortran
interface assignment(=)
module procedure assign_t
end interface assignment(=)
type(t) y(3)
y%x = (/1,2,3/)
y = y((/2,3,1/))
is_gfortran = y(3)%x == 1
end function is_gfortran
elemental subroutine assign_t(lhs,rhs)
type(t), intent(in) :: rhs
type(t), intent(out) :: lhs
lhs%x = rhs%x
end subroutine assign_t
end module chk_gfortran
program fire
use chk_gfortran
implicit none
if(.not. is_gfortran()) STOP 1
end program fire