blob: de320f178ed8245c72843ffd4dded62dea3bca98 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Test the fix for PR98022. Code is in place to deliver the expected result.
! However, it was determined that the data statements below violate F18(R841)
! and so an error results.
! Contributed by Arseny Solokha <>
module ur
! The reporter's test.
function kn1() result(hm2)
complex :: hm(1:2), hm2(1:3), scalar
data (hm(md)%re, md=1,2)/1.0, 2.0/, scalar%re/42.0/ ! { dg-error "neither an array-element" }
data (hm(md)%im, md=1,2)/0.0, 0.0/, scalar%im/-42.0/ ! { dg-error "neither an array-element" }
hm2(1:2) = hm
hm2(3) = scalar
end function kn1
! Check for derived types with complex components.
function kn2() result(hm2)
type t
complex :: c
integer :: i
end type
type (t) :: hm(1:2), scalar
complex :: hm2(1:3)
data (hm(md)%c%re, md=1,2)/0.0, 0.0/, scalar%c%re/42.0/ ! { dg-error "neither an array-element" }
data (hm(md)%c%im, md=1,2)/1.0, 2.0/, scalar%c%im/-42.0/ ! { dg-error "neither an array-element" }
data (hm(md)%i, md=1,2)/1, 2/
hm2(1:2) = hm%c
hm2(3) = scalar%c
end function kn2
end module ur
! use ur
! if (any (kn1() .ne. [(1.0,0.0),(2.0,0.0),(42.0,-42.0)])) stop 1
! if (any (kn2() .ne. [(0.0,1.0),(0.0,2.0),(42.0,-42.0)])) stop 2