blob: 6c46c641844c033b2c47900eeafebb95d9e6cb5b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for pr22146, where and elemental subroutine with
! array actual arguments would cause an ICE in gfc_conv_function_call.
! The module is the original test case and the rest is a basic
! functional test of the scalarization of the function call.
! Contributed by Erik Edelmann <>
! and Paul Thomas <>
module pr22146
elemental subroutine foo(a)
integer, intent(out) :: a
a = 0
end subroutine foo
subroutine bar()
integer :: a(10)
call foo(a)
end subroutine bar
end module pr22146
use pr22146
real, dimension (2) :: x, y
real :: u, v
x = (/1.0, 2.0/)
u = 42.0
call bar ()
! Check the various combinations of scalar and array.
call foobar (x, y)
if (any( STOP 1
call foobar (u, y)
if (any( STOP 2
call foobar (u, v)
if ( STOP 3
v = 2.0
call foobar (v, x)
if (any(x /= -2.0)) STOP 4
! Test an expression in the INTENT(IN) argument
x = (/1.0, 2.0/)
call foobar (cos (x) + u, y)
if (any(abs (y + cos (x) + u) .gt. 4.0e-6)) STOP 5
elemental subroutine foobar (a, b)
real, intent(IN) :: a
real, intent(out) :: b
b = -a
end subroutine foobar