blob: ebc028a7fc75140d7942eaca531fe628ec46bd4b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/28276
! Original code submitted by Harald Anlauf
! Converted to Dejagnu for the testsuite by Steven G. Kargl
program gfcbug36
implicit none
real, parameter :: one = 1.0
real :: a = one
if (fraction(a) /= 0.5) STOP 1
if (fraction(one) /= 0.5) STOP 2
if (fraction(1.0) /= 0.5) STOP 3
if (exponent(a) /= 1.0) STOP 4
if (exponent(one) /= 1.0) STOP 5
if (exponent (1.0) /= 1.0) STOP 6
if (scale(fraction(a), exponent(a)) / a /= 1.) STOP 7
if (scale(fraction(one), exponent(one)) / one /= 1.) STOP 8
if (scale(fraction(1.0), exponent(1.0)) / 1.0 /= 1.) STOP 9
end program gfcbug36