blob: 619f8c9691c24662989101424bca42f5768cbbff [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-std=legacy" }
! PR25631 Check that TL editing works for special case of no bytes written yet.
! Contributed by Jerry DeLisle <>
real x
character*15 line
x = 12.34
write(line,10) x
10 format(tr2,tl2,g11.4)
if (' 12.34 ') STOP 1
write(line,20) x
20 format(tr5,tl3,g11.4)
if (' 12.34 ') STOP 2
write(line,30) x
30 format(tr5,tl3,tl3,g11.4)
if (' 12.34 ') STOP 3
write(line,40) x
40 format(tr25,tl35,f11.4)
if (' 12.3400 ') STOP 4
write(line,50) x
50 format(tl5,tr3,f11.4)
if (' 12.3400 ') STOP 5
write(line,60) x
60 format(t5,tl3,f11.4)
if (' 12.3400 ') STOP 6