blob: 9ec4793463bb7fc8ff116eeb661d86a4c2e11b4d [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Contributed by Vittorio Zecca <>
! PR 50401: SIGSEGV in resolve_transfer
function f() ! { dg-error "must be a dummy argument|Interface mismatch in global procedure" }
dimension f(*)
end function
end interface
print *,f()
! PR 50403: SIGSEGV in gfc_use_derived
type(f) function f() ! { dg-error "Type name 'f' at .1. conflicts with previously declared entity|The type for function 'f' at .1. is not accessible" }
f=110 ! { dg-error "Type inaccessible in variable definition context" }