blob: 5ef3b480a49fe6f7f7c34c47b89d04d37193281b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the implementation of inquiry part references (PR40196).
! "Type parameter inquiry (str%len, a%kind) and Complex parts (z%re, z%im)"
! Contributed by Tobias Burnus <>
module m
complex, target :: z
character (:), allocatable :: str
real, pointer :: r => z%re
real, pointer :: i => z%im
type :: mytype
complex :: z = ( 10.0, 11.0 )
character(6) :: str
end type
end module
use m
type(mytype) :: der
integer :: j
character (len=der%str%len) :: str1
complex, parameter :: zc = ( 99.0, 199.0 )
REAL, parameter :: rc = zc%re
REAL, parameter :: ic = zc%im
z = (2.0,4.0)
str = "abcd"
! Check the pointer initializations
if (r .ne. real (z)) stop 1
if (i .ne. imag (z)) stop 2
! Check the use of inquiry part_refs on lvalues and rvalues.
z%im = 4.0 * z%re
! Check that the result is OK.
if (z%re .ne. real (z)) stop 3
if (abs (z*im - 4.0 * real (z)) .lt. 1e-6) stop 4
! Check a double inquiry part_ref.
if (z%im%kind .ne. kind (z)) stop 5
! Test on deferred character length.
if (str%kind .ne. kind (str)) stop 6
if (str%len .ne. len (str)) stop 7
! Check the use in specification expressions.
if (len (der%str) .ne. LEN (str1)) stop 8
if (rc .ne. real (zc)) stop 9
if (ic .ne. aimag (zc)) stop 10