blob: df8b910077a26bab1ba2f603e3907021dcd41fbd [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the move_alloc intrinsic.
! Contributed by Erik Edelmann <>
! and Paul Thomas <>
program test_move_alloc
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: x(:), y(:), temp(:)
character(4), allocatable :: a(:), b(:)
integer :: i
allocate (x(2))
allocate (a(2))
x = [ 42, 77 ]
call move_alloc (x, y)
if (allocated(x)) STOP 1
if (.not.allocated(y)) STOP 2
if (any(y /= [ 42, 77 ])) STOP 3
a = [ "abcd", "efgh" ]
call move_alloc (a, b)
if (allocated(a)) STOP 4
if (.not.allocated(b)) STOP 5
if (any(b /= [ "abcd", "efgh" ])) STOP 6
! Now one of the intended applications of move_alloc; resizing
call move_alloc (y, temp)
allocate (y(6), stat=i)
if (i /= 0) STOP 7
y(1:2) = temp
y(3:) = 99
if (any(y /= [ 42, 77, 99, 99, 99, 99 ])) STOP 8
end program test_move_alloc