blob: cd149d3bb827128544b723b553caab61a060886c [file] [log] [blame]
!{ dg-do run { target fd_truncate } }
!{ dg-options "-std=legacy" }
! Tests filling arrays from a namelist read when object list is not complete.
! This is the same as namelist_21.f90 except using spaces as seperators instead
! of commas. Developed from a test case provided by Christoph Jacob.
! Contributed by Jerry DeLisle <>.
program pr24794
implicit none
integer, parameter :: maxop=15, iunit=7
character*8 namea(maxop), nameb(maxop)
integer i, ier
namelist/ccsopr/ namea,nameb
open (12, status="scratch", delim="apostrophe")
write (12, '(a)') "&ccsopr"
write (12, '(a)') " namea='spi01h' 'spi02o' 'spi03h' 'spi04o' 'spi05h'"
write (12, '(a)') " 'spi07o' 'spi08h' 'spi09h'"
write (12, '(a)') " nameb='spi01h' 'spi03h' 'spi05h' 'spi06h' 'spi08h'"
write (12, '(a)') "&end"
rewind (12)
read (12, nml=ccsopr, iostat=ier)
if ( STOP 1
rewind (12)
rewind (12)
read (12, nml=ccsopr, iostat=ier)
if ( STOP 2
if (namea(2).ne."spi02o ") STOP 3
if (namea(9).ne." ") STOP 4
if (namea(15).ne." ") STOP 5
if (nameb(1).ne."spi01h ") STOP 6
if (nameb(6).ne." ") STOP 7
if (nameb(15).ne." ") STOP 8
close (12)
end program pr24794