blob: 23b3e720be9ac3aa244c7cd4167ec01a418e348b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR33672 Additional runtime checks needed for namelist reads
! Submitted by Jerry DeLisle <>
module global
type :: mt
character(len=2) :: ch(2) = (/"aa","bb"/)
end type mt
type :: bt
integer :: i(2) = (/1,2/)
type(mt) :: m(2)
end type bt
end module global
program namelist_40
use global
type(bt) :: x(2)
character(40) :: teststring
namelist /mynml/ x
teststring = " x(2)%m%ch(:)(2:2) = 'z','z',"
call writenml (teststring)
teststring = " x(2)%m(2)%ch(:)(2) = 'z','z',"
call writenml (teststring)
teststring = " x(2)%m(2)%ch(:)(:3) = 'z','z',"
call writenml (teststring)
teststring = " x(2)%m(2)%ch(1:2)(k:) = 'z','z',"
call writenml (teststring)
subroutine writenml (astring)
character(40), intent(in) :: astring
character(300) :: errmessage
integer :: ierror
open (10, status="scratch", delim='apostrophe')
write (10, '(A)') "&MYNML"
write (10, '(A)') astring
write (10, '(A)') "/"
rewind (10)
read (10, nml = mynml, iostat=ierror, iomsg=errmessage)
if (ierror == 0) STOP 1
print '(a)', trim(errmessage)
close (10)
end subroutine writenml
end program namelist_40
! { dg-output "Multiple sub-objects with non-zero rank in namelist object x%m%ch(\n|\r\n|\r)" }
! { dg-output "Missing colon in substring qualifier for namelist variable x%m%ch(\n|\r\n|\r)" }
! { dg-output "Substring out of range for namelist variable x%m%ch(\n|\r\n|\r)" }
! { dg-output "Bad character in substring qualifier for namelist variable x%m%ch(\n|\r\n|\r)" }