blob: 440d9a879ac6d0e22e69138af8eae89a9ba2aedd [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fcheck=pointer" }
! { dg-shouldfail "Unassociated/unallocated actual argument" }
! { dg-output ".*At line 46 .*Pointer actual argument 'getptr' is not associated" }
! PR fortran/40580
! Run-time check of passing deallocated/nonassociated actuals
! to nonallocatable/nonpointer dummies.
! Check for function actuals
subroutine test1(a)
integer :: a
print *, a
end subroutine test1
subroutine test2(a)
integer :: a(2)
print *, a
end subroutine test2
subroutine ppTest(f)
implicit none
external f
call f()
end subroutine ppTest
Program RunTimeCheck
implicit none
external :: test1, test2, ppTest
procedure(), pointer :: pptr
! OK
call test1(getPtr(.true.))
call test2(getPtrArray(.true.))
call test2(getAlloc(.true.))
! OK but fails due to PR 40593
! call ppTest(getProcPtr(.true.))
! call ppTest2(getProcPtr(.true.))
! Invalid:
call test1(getPtr(.false.))
! call test2(getAlloc(.false.)) - fails because the check is inserted after
! _gfortran_internal_pack, which fails with out of memory
! call ppTest(getProcPtr(.false.)) - fails due to PR 40593
! call ppTest2(getProcPtr(.false.)) - fails due to PR 40593
function getPtr(alloc)
integer, pointer :: getPtr
logical, intent(in) :: alloc
if (alloc) then
allocate (getPtr)
getPtr = 1
nullify (getPtr)
end if
end function getPtr
function getPtrArray(alloc)
integer, pointer :: getPtrArray(:)
logical, intent(in) :: alloc
if (alloc) then
allocate (getPtrArray(2))
getPtrArray = 1
nullify (getPtrArray)
end if
end function getPtrArray
function getAlloc(alloc)
integer, allocatable :: getAlloc(:)
logical, intent(in) :: alloc
if (alloc) then
allocate (getAlloc(2))
getAlloc = 2
else if (allocated(getAlloc)) then
end if
end function getAlloc
subroutine sub()
print *, 'Hello World'
end subroutine sub
function getProcPtr(alloc)
procedure(sub), pointer :: getProcPtr
logical, intent(in) :: alloc
if (alloc) then
getProcPtr => sub
nullify (getProcPtr)
end if
end function getProcPtr
subroutine ppTest2(f)
implicit none
procedure(sub) :: f
call f()
end subroutine ppTest2
end Program RunTimeCheck