blob: 6bd4709aa66731dcc921ffedc7614fa239e8891b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options -std=f95 }
! Code was posted to comp.lang.fortran by Richard Maine.
module m
type :: foo
real, pointer :: array(:)
procedure (), pointer, nopass :: f ! { dg-error "Procedure pointer component" }
end type
elemental subroutine fooAssgn (a1, a2)
type(foo), intent(out) :: a1
type(foo), intent(in) :: a2
allocate (a1%array(size(a2%array)))
a1%array = a2%array
a1%f => a2%f ! { dg-error "not a member of the" }
end subroutine
end module m