blob: cb7cf7040a9d5303091b98e87096e91d3558795e [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PRs93924 & 93925.
! Contributed by Martin Stein <>
module cs
implicit none
integer, target :: integer_target
abstract interface
function classStar_map_ifc(x) result(y)
class(*), pointer :: y
class(*), target, intent(in) :: x
end function classStar_map_ifc
end interface
function fun(x) result(y)
class(*), pointer :: y
class(*), target, intent(in) :: x
select type (x)
type is (integer)
integer_target = x ! Deals with dangling target.
y => integer_target
class default
y => null()
end select
end function fun
function apply(f, x) result(y)
procedure(classStar_map_ifc) :: f
integer, intent(in) :: x
integer :: y
class(*), pointer :: p
y = 0 ! Get rid of 'y' undefined warning
p => f (x)
select type (p)
type is (integer)
y = p
end select
end function apply
function selector() result(f)
procedure(classStar_map_ifc), pointer :: f
f => fun
end function selector
end module cs
program classStar_map
use cs
implicit none
integer :: x, y
procedure(classStar_map_ifc), pointer :: f
x = 123654
f => selector () ! Fixed by second chunk in patch
y = apply (f, x) ! Fixed by first chunk in patch
if (x .ne. y) stop 1
x = 2 * x
y = apply (fun, x) ! PR93925; fixed as above
if (x .ne. y) stop 2
end program classStar_map