blob: 8294ddcc1bfcbf869c4a72c1d7b4ceb583fdf96b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR 63674: [F03] procedure pointer and non/pure procedure
! Contributed by Valery Weber <>
program prog
integer function nf()
end function
pure integer function pf()
end function
subroutine ns()
end subroutine
pure subroutine ps()
end subroutine
end interface
type :: t
procedure(nf), nopass, pointer :: nf => NULL() ! non-pure function
procedure(pf), nopass, pointer :: pf => NULL() ! pure function
procedure(ns), nopass, pointer :: ns => NULL() ! non-pure subroutine
procedure(ps), nopass, pointer :: ps => NULL() ! pure subroutine
end type
pure integer function eval(a)
type(t), intent(in) :: a
eval = a%pf()
eval = a%nf() ! { dg-error "Reference to impure function" }
call a%ps()
call a%ns() ! { dg-error "is not PURE" }
end function