blob: 9c960dda21e28cd83e7ece5545708cd3708c3a40 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR 46662: [OOP] gfortran accepts "CALL polymorphic%abstract_type%ppc()"
! Contributed by Wolfgang Kilian <>
! cf.
module types
implicit none
type, abstract :: base_t
integer :: i = 0
procedure(base_write_i), pointer :: write_procptr
procedure :: write_i => base_write_i
end type base_t
type, extends (base_t) :: t
end type t
subroutine base_write_i (obj)
class (base_t), intent(in) :: obj
print *, obj%i
end subroutine base_write_i
end module types
program main
use types
implicit none
type(t) :: obj
print *, "Direct printing"
obj%i = 1
print *, obj%i
print *, "Direct printing via parent"
obj%base_t%i = 2
print *, obj%base_t%i
print *, "Printing via TBP"
obj%i = 3
call obj%write_i
print *, "Printing via parent TBP"
obj%base_t%i = 4
call obj%base_t%write_i ! { dg-error "is of ABSTRACT type" }
print *, "Printing via OBP"
obj%i = 5
obj%write_procptr => base_write_i
call obj%write_procptr
print *, "Printing via parent OBP"
obj%base_t%i = 6
obj%base_t%write_procptr => base_write_i
call obj%base_t%write_procptr ! { dg-error "is of ABSTRACT type" }
end program main