blob: 9aa19e69b6411f077cf576adb1f1c84832c9c206 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR77703, in which calls of the pointer function
! caused an ICE in 'gfc_trans_auto_character_variable'.
! Contributed by Gerhard Steinmetz <>
module m
implicit none
integer, parameter, public :: n = 2
integer, parameter :: ell = 6
character(len=n*ell), target, public :: s
public :: t
function t( idx ) result( substr )
integer, intent(in) :: idx
character(len=ell), pointer :: substr
if ( (idx < 0).or.(idx > n) ) then
error stop
end if
substr => s((idx-1)*ell+1:idx*ell)
end function t
end module m
program p
use m, only : s, t, n
integer :: i
! Define 's'
s = "123456789012"
! Then perform operations involving 't'
if (t(1) .ne. "123456") stop 1
if (t(2) .ne. "789012") stop 2
! Do the pointer function assignments
t(1) = "Hello "
if (s .ne. "Hello 789012") Stop 3
t(2) = "World!"
if (s .ne. "Hello World!") Stop 4
end program p