blob: 3ceb95573eb36d571281f0cff56a45b85a296256 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Verifying the runtime behavior of the intrinsic function SAME_TYPE_AS.
! Contributed by Janus Weil <>
type :: t1
integer :: i
end type
type, extends(t1) :: t2
integer :: j
end type
CLASS(t1), pointer :: c1,c2
TYPE(t1), target :: x1
TYPE(t2) ,target :: x2
intrinsic :: SAME_TYPE_AS
logical :: l
c1 => NULL()
l = SAME_TYPE_AS (x1,x1)
print *,l
if (.not.l) STOP 1
l = SAME_TYPE_AS (x1,x2)
print *,l
if (l) STOP 2
c1 => x1
l = SAME_TYPE_AS (c1,x1)
print *,l
if (.not.l) STOP 3
l = SAME_TYPE_AS (c1,x2)
print *,l
if (l) STOP 4
c1 => x2
c2 => x2
l = SAME_TYPE_AS (c1,c2)
print *,l
if (.not.l) STOP 5
c1 => x1
c2 => x2
l = SAME_TYPE_AS (c1,c2)
print *,l
if (l) STOP 6