blob: 826a6636f7b09d46e3427e9f478a370ce43a44da [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Basic test of submodule functionality.
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
module foo_interface
implicit none
character(len = 100) :: message
character(len = 100) :: message2
type foo
character(len=15) :: greeting = "Hello, world! "
character(len=15), private :: byebye = "adieu, world! "
procedure :: greet => say_hello
procedure :: farewell => bye
procedure, private :: adieu => byebye
end type foo
module subroutine say_hello(this)
class(foo), intent(in) :: this
end subroutine
module subroutine bye(this)
class(foo), intent(in) :: this
end subroutine
module subroutine byebye(this, that)
class(foo), intent(in) :: this
class(foo), intent(inOUT), allocatable :: that
end subroutine
module function realf (arg) result (res)
real :: arg, res
end function
integer module function intf (arg)
integer :: arg
end function
real module function realg (arg)
real :: arg
end function
integer module function intg (arg)
integer :: arg
end function
end interface
integer :: factor = 5
subroutine smurf
class(foo), allocatable :: this
allocate (this)
message = "say_hello from SMURF --->"
call say_hello (this)
end subroutine
end module
SUBMODULE (foo_interface) foo_interface_son
! Test module procedure with conventional specification part for dummies
module subroutine say_hello(this)
class(foo), intent(in) :: this
class(foo), allocatable :: that
allocate (that, source = this)
! call this%farewell ! NOTE WELL: This compiles and causes a crash in run-time
! due to recursion through the call to this procedure from
! say hello.
message = that%greeting
! Check that descendant module procedure is correctly processed
if (intf (77) .ne. factor*77) STOP 1
end subroutine
module function realf (arg) result (res)
real :: arg, res
res = 2*arg
end function
end SUBMODULE foo_interface_son
! Check that multiple generations of submodules are OK
SUBMODULE (foo_interface:foo_interface_son) foo_interface_grandson
module procedure intf
intf = factor*arg
end SUBMODULE foo_interface_grandson
SUBMODULE (foo_interface) foo_interface_daughter
! Test module procedure with abbreviated declaration and no specification of dummies
module procedure bye
class(foo), allocatable :: that
call say_hello (this)
! check access to a PRIVATE procedure pointer that accesses a private component
call this%adieu (that)
message2 = that%greeting
! Test module procedure pointed to by PRIVATE component of foo
module procedure byebye
allocate (that, source = this)
! Access a PRIVATE component of foo
that%greeting = that%byebye
module procedure intg
intg = 3*arg
module procedure realg
realg = 3*arg
end SUBMODULE foo_interface_daughter
program try
use foo_interface
implicit none
type(foo) :: bar
call clear_messages
call bar%greet ! typebound call
if (trim (message) .ne. "Hello, world!") STOP 2
call clear_messages
bar%greeting = "G'day, world!"
call say_hello(bar) ! Checks use association of 'say_hello'
if (trim (message) .ne. "G'day, world!") STOP 3
call clear_messages
bar%greeting = "Hi, world!"
call bye(bar) ! Checks use association in another submodule
if (trim (message) .ne. "Hi, world!") STOP 4
if (trim (message2) .ne. "adieu, world!") STOP 5
call clear_messages
call smurf ! Checks host association of 'say_hello'
if (trim (message) .ne. "Hello, world!") STOP 6
call clear_messages
bar%greeting = "farewell "
call bar%farewell
if (trim (message) .ne. "farewell") STOP 7
if (trim (message2) .ne. "adieu, world!") STOP 8
if (realf(2.0) .ne. 4.0) STOP 9! Check module procedure with explicit result
if (intf(2) .ne. 10) STOP 10! ditto
if (realg(3.0) .ne. 9.0) STOP 11! Check module procedure with function declaration result
if (intg(3) .ne. 9) STOP 12! ditto
subroutine clear_messages
message = ""
message2 = ""
end subroutine
end program