blob: 129a321e64c46a885c1a958bdb2b22ca8277c89f [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR82312.f90
! Posted on Stack Overflow:
! /gfortran-associates-wrong-type-bound-procedure/46388339#46388339
module minimalisticcase
implicit none
type, public :: DataStructure
integer :: i
procedure, pass :: init => init_data_structure
procedure, pass :: a => beginning_of_alphabet
end type
type, public :: DataLogger
type(DataStructure), pointer :: data_structure
procedure, pass :: init => init_data_logger
procedure, pass :: do_something => do_something
end type
integer :: ctr = 0
subroutine init_data_structure(self)
implicit none
class(DataStructure), intent(inout) :: self
write(*,*) 'init_data_structure'
ctr = ctr + 1
end subroutine
subroutine beginning_of_alphabet(self)
implicit none
class(DataStructure), intent(inout) :: self
write(*,*) 'beginning_of_alphabet'
ctr = ctr + 10
end subroutine
subroutine init_data_logger(self, data_structure)
implicit none
class(DataLogger), intent(inout) :: self
class(DataStructure), target :: data_structure
write(*,*) 'init_data_logger'
ctr = ctr + 100
self%data_structure => data_structure ! Invalid change of 'self' vptr
call self%do_something()
end subroutine
subroutine do_something(self)
implicit none
class(DataLogger), intent(inout) :: self
write(*,*) 'do_something'
ctr = ctr + 1000
end subroutine
end module
program main
use minimalisticcase
implicit none
type(DataStructure) :: data_structure
type(DataLogger) :: data_logger
call data_structure%init()
call data_structure%a()
call data_logger%init(data_structure)
if (ctr .ne. 1111) STOP 1
end program