blob: d4ad39cda1e6e6782048d1c9d8d5f6ca00605fd0 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR84546 in which the failing cases would
! have x%vec = ['foo','b '].
! Contributed by Neil Carlson <>
module any_vector_type
type :: any_vector
class(*), allocatable :: vec(:)
end type
interface any_vector
procedure any_vector1
end interface
function any_vector1(vec) result(this)
class(*), intent(in) :: vec(:)
type(any_vector) :: this
allocate(this%vec, source=vec)
end function
end module
program main
use any_vector_type
implicit none
class(*), allocatable :: x
character(*), parameter :: vec(2) = ['foo','bar']
integer :: vec1(3) = [7,8,9]
call foo1
call foo2
call foo3
call foo4
subroutine foo1 ! This always worked
allocate (any_vector :: x)
select type (x)
type is (any_vector)
x = any_vector(vec)
end select
call bar(1)
deallocate (x)
subroutine foo2 ! Failure found during diagnosis
x = any_vector (vec)
call bar(2)
deallocate (x)
subroutine foo3 ! Original failure
allocate (x, source = any_vector (vec))
call bar(3)
deallocate (x)
subroutine foo4 ! This always worked
allocate (x, source = any_vector (vec1))
call bar(4)
deallocate (x)
subroutine bar (stop_flag)
integer :: stop_flag
select type (x)
type is (any_vector)
select type (xvec => x%vec)
type is (character(*))
if (any(xvec /= vec)) stop stop_flag
type is (integer)
if (any(xvec /= (vec1))) stop stop_flag
end select
end select
end program