blob: 5db1987bde8eaff66cfc6d28f7719b3fc0e7d481 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Tests the fix for a further regression caused by the
! fix for PR28788, as noted in reply #9 in the Bugzilla
! entry by Martin Reinecke <>.
! The problem was caused by certain types of references
! that point to a deleted derived type symbol, after the
! type has been associated to another namespace. An
! example of this is the specification expression for x
! in subroutine foo below. At the same time, this tests
! the correct association of typeaa between a module
! procedure and a new definition of the type in MAIN.
module types
type :: typea
integer :: i
end type typea
type :: typeaa
integer :: i
end type typeaa
type(typea) :: it = typea(2)
end module types
module global
use types, only: typea, it
subroutine foo (x)
use types
type(typeaa) :: ca
real :: x(it%i)
common /c/ ca
x = 42.0
ca%i = 99
end subroutine foo
end module global
use global, only: typea, foo
type :: typeaa
integer :: i
end type typeaa
type(typeaa) :: cam
real :: x(4)
common /c/ cam
x = -42.0
call foo(x)
if (any (x .ne. (/42.0, 42.0, -42.0, -42.0/))) STOP 1
if (cam%i .ne. 99) STOP 2