blob: bc4a3d07e978081000dcb89328bcf2bbda1c256c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Contributed by Nicola Pero <>, November 2010. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
#include <objc/objc.h>
/* Test that @optional for @protocol works. */
@protocol MyProtocol
+ (int)classMethod;
- (int)method;
+ (int)optionalClassMethod;
- (int)optionalMethod;
@interface MyRootClass <MyProtocol>
/* The implementation implements both the @required methods, but none
of the @optional ones. There should be no warnings as the
@optional methods are optional. ;-) */
@implementation MyRootClass
+ (int)classMethod
return 20;
- (int)method
return 11;
int function (id <MyProtocol> object1,
MyRootClass *object2)
/* Test that there are no warnings if you try to use an @optional
method with an object of the class. */
int i = 0;
i += [object1 method];
i += [object2 method];
i += [MyRootClass classMethod];
i += [object1 optionalMethod];
i += [object2 optionalMethod];
i += [MyRootClass optionalClassMethod];
return i;